BMW Defect Code Lookup Tool

NOTE: This tool only works with BMW defect codes, which are 8 digits long and have another 2 characters, which may be digits or letters, at the end. If you have a code that doesn't look like that, it isn't a BMW defect code and this tool cannot interpret it. If your code starts with a letter and then has 3 or more digits - for example, "P0230", you have an OBD-II diagnostic code. If your code doesn't look like either a BMW defect code or an OBD-II code, it is a code from a proprietary tool and you will need the manual for that tool to decode it. Peake Research is one such tool frequently used on BMWs.
Enter code(s)

Extraneous text may be included and will be searched for anything that looks like a BMW defect code.

NOTE: In order for defect codes to be detected, they must end in in a recognized suffix. This application currently recognizes 00 / A5 / BI / BL / DT / ER / MP / RT / SA / SP / UW. If your codes end in something else, please change them to end in 00 before pressing the "Lookup" button.

Questions or comments? Email me at
This is an experimental utility subject to modification or removal without prior notice.
Application date: Sat Oct 28 16:14:34 EDT 2006
Database date: July 2017