Imaginos remakes and outtakes

Joseph Brooks jbrooks at CONNECTNET.COM
Thu Feb 15 23:49:38 EST 1996

At 10:05 PM 2/15/96 EST, you wrote:

>>What and would you rather BOC's lyrics consisted of the usual "yeah, yeah
>>baby" type? Or perhaps the angry-young-man bit that is so popular these
>>days? Lyrics have always been one of BOC's strong points, IMO.. In Imaginos,
>>a story is being told.. Part of the story is set in the 1800's.. I don't
>>understand your objection to the lyric.
>I agree that BOC's lyrics have always been one of the band's strong points,
>but what we were discussing here was taking a sentence out of context.
>Think about it : "My boat left New Orleans in 1829". If you take just that
>line, without taking notice of what's around, of the rest of the storyline,

Ok.. But I still don't understand why that lyric in particular strikes you
that way. I mean, the same could be said for nearly any lyric if taken out
of context.

>really, who cares that the boat left New Orleans in 1829 ? I think that
>the "morale" behind this is just that you can give so much power to
>an apparently meaningless phrase just by using the "proper rock

I begin to understand.. The phrase, meaningless when taken out of context,
still has power because of the tone, inflection.. "proper rock intonation",
whatever.. You know, you've got something there.. I guess I've always
*known* it but never really thought about it.

That must be part of the 'gut reaction' that we speak of.. I know that
certain songs (by any band), though the lyrics really have no connection
with anything in my own life, can cause a mood or remembrance.. even sadness
or longing.. Maybe this is the same as imparting a feeling of excitement in
rock music with tone and inflection alone..

Then again.. Maybe I just have way too much free time on my hands.. :>

>    So you see, there was no objection intended there, just a try at
>analyzing what made the strength of the song (talking about giving
>in-depth explanations ;)... or at least, that's how I understood Carl's
>words - even if they were in the form of a joke :-)

Understood.. If you've ever listened to a band called Phish - most of their
lyrics make no sense what-so-ever, but still can have a powerful effect..
perhaps because of 'proper rock intonation'?
  | | \   *jbrooks at                   | "So Ladies, Fish
  | | <   *|  and Gentlemen,here's
|_| |_/   *WALSTIB / Keep our Internet free!        |  my angled dream..."

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