To look up a handle, name, hostname, or other field, just type it in. WHOIS will do a very broad search on your input. To narrow down the search or change WHOIS' behavior, the following modifiers are accepted: "!" before the string looks for handles only. "." before the string looks for names only. "." after the string looks will match anything from that point. "@" within the field specifies a mailbox search username@ will look for mailboxes with the specified username. @host will look for mailboxes with the specified host. username@host will look for mailbox with specified username and host. examples: Smith [Looks for name or handle SMITH] !ES1 [Looks for handle ES1] .Eric [Looks for first or last name ERIC] .Smith, Eric [Looks for name Eric Smith] [Looks for mailbox esmith on host] To guarantee matching only a single record, look it up by its handle with a handle-only search. Within the whois database, all handles are unique.