% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00lkVlVIJ5 VMS_SHARElV 1 VMS_SHARE>Package a series of files into a form suitable for mailing outacross the network. Format:1 $ VMS_SHARE filespec sharefile [/qualifiers]2 Author%The VMS_SHARE software is written by: Andy Harper,Systems Manager,Computing Centre,Kings College London, The Strand,London WC2R 2LSEngland>The software and all associated files remains the copyright of>the author but may be freely distributed without charge to any<other user, prov ided that all copyright notices are retainedintact.@No guarantees are offered as to the suitability of this software>for any given purpose. Any errors arising from its use are theresponsibility of the user.@Bug reports and suggestions for new features are always welcomed-but no committment is made to acting on them.2 Bugs@At this time, the following problems are known to exist with theVMS_SHARE package3 Record_size_determination.AVMS provides no facility for the utility to determine the longest@record actually stored in a file. Where the record length cannot@be determined, record buffers of inadequate size may be used and@the file will fail to be packaged. All cases should result in an@error message, although these may not appear until processing ofthe file begins.AIt will be necessary to use the CONVERT utility on such a file toAensure that the MRS field of the file header is set to a value at"least equal to the longest record.3 TPU_Unpack_BugA In versions of VMS_SHARE prior to 8.4, Some share files, packaged=with the /COMPRESS=2 qualifier, will fail to unpack due to an<internal error in TPU. The problem no longer exists in this?version of the software. For previous versions, the problem can:be avoided by not using /COMPRESS=2. Alternatively, once a?package has been created, test that it will successfully unpackbefore sending it. 2 Examples $ VMS_SHARE *.for SOURCEA Package all the files ending in .FOR into the sharefile? 'SOURCE'. Parts will be created called SOURCE.1-OF-n, SOURCE.2-OF-n ... etc. $ VMS_SHARE [...]*.* SBDIR? Package all the files in all subdirectories below the? current one. The directory structure, relative to the? current directory, will be preserved and recreated at the unpacking stage.8 $ VMS_SHARE [...]*.* SAVE /LOG /LONGLINES /COMPRESS? Package all the files in all subdirectories below the @ current one. Select logging, long line support and run length compression.2 Compression_OverviewBThe files being packaged may optionally be compressed using one of@two supported methods. The first method is run-length encoding,Dwhere sequences of the same character are encoded into a byte count,Bthe second method is a modified version of the Lempel-Ziv encoding2that looks for common substrings and encodes them.EBoth forms of compression cause significantly longer  packaging times,=with Lempel-Ziv compression taking the longest, but generallyproducing the best compression.DCompression should not automatically be selected. The additional CPU?time is significant and only worth using if there is some added@benefit, such as reducing disk storage used on a file server, or?reducing the network bandwidth inherent in sending a package toCseveral users. Each case should be looked at separately. Also, some/kinds of file may not benefit from compression. ASee the /COMPRESS qualifier for details of selecting compression. 2 FilespecAA comma-separated list of wildcarded filename specifications. All/files which match the pattern(s) are packaged. There are some restrictions:-B - The output share file name may not be included in the list.C - files ending in .DIR (normally directory files) are ignored.? - Files must exist in or below the current directory (thisE restriction is relaxed if the /NODIRECTORY qualifier is used).-A prompt is issued if no files are specified.2 Logical_Names>Several logical names can be configured to modify the defaultsEbuilt-in to the VMS_SHARE package. Where a corresponding command lineEqualifier exists, this will override the setting of the logical name.3 SHARE_COMPRESSDThis logical name may be defined with a TRUE or FALSE value, or with:a numeric integer value 0 to 2, to set the default for theDcompression option. For full details of the compression options, see@the /COMPRESS qualifier and the `Compression_Overview' subtopic.9If not defined, no additional compression is the default.3 SHARE_CONFIRMCThis logical name may be defined with a TRUE or FALSE value, to setCthe default value for the file selection confirmation option, whereDthe user is asked to confirm each file selected. For full details of4the confirmation option, see the /CONFIRM qualifier./If not defined, no confirmation is the default. 3 SHARE_DEBUGAThis logical name may be defined with a TRUE or FALSE value, or aEnumeric integer value 0-4, to set the default value for the debugging@option. For full details of the debugging option, see the /DEBUG qualifier.3If not defined, no debugging output is the default.3 SHARE_DIRECTORYCThis logical name may be defined with a TRUE or FALSE value, to setAthe default value for the directory preservation option. For full&details, see the /DIRECTORY qualifier.=If not defined, preserving subdirectory names is the default.3 SHARE_EMAIL_ADDRESS?This logical name can be defined with the current user's e-mail5address. It should be defined as a string in the form user@siteBIf not defined, an attempt is made to determine the e-mail address>automatically, using the current username and by examining theElogical names known to be provided with a number of the commonly usednetwork packages.CThis address is included at the head of the generated share file toidentify the creator.See also these logical names:; SHARE_IDENT which overrides the default ident string9 SHARE_REAL_NAME which adds a person's real name to the( e-mail address string3 SHARE_EXCLUDE?This logical name may be defined with a comma separated list of?directory, name, type and/or version specifications, to set the?default value for excluded files. For more information, see the&description of the /EXCLUDE qualifier.3If not defined, the default is to exclude no files. 3 SHARE_IDENTAThis logical name can be defined with an identifying string to beCincluded, in its entirety, at the head of the generated share file.BIf not defined, a default identification string is generated which=consists of the user's e-mail address in one of the followingformats:( user@site If site can be determined7 real name If SHARE_REAL_NAME defined too' user If site cannot be determined0 user (real name) If SHARE_REAL NAMED definedSee also these logical names: SHARE_REAL_NAME SHARE_EMAIL_ADDRESS 3 SHARE_LOGAThis logical name can be defined with a TRUE or FALSE value, or aDnumeric integer value in the range 0-4, to set the default value for=the logging option. For full details, see the /LOG qualifier.7If not defined, then no logging messages are displayed.3 SHARE_LONGLINESCThis logical name can be defined with a TRUE or FALSE value, to setBthe default value for the long lines option. For full details, seethe /LONGLINES qualifier.DThe option can be enabled only if running VMS 5.4 or greater on VAX,#or on any OpenVMS running on Alpha.DIf not defined, then the default is not to select long line support. 3 SHARE_NAMEBThis logical name may be defined with a string to be inserted into@the generated share file under the heading of `package name'. IfBthis logical name is not defined, the default action is to use the2name of the output share file as the package name.CSee the description of the /NAME qualifier for further information.3 SHARE_PACKAGE_INDEXAThis logical name can be defined with a TRUE or FALSE value, or a>file type identifier, to set the default for the creation of aApackage index file containing a list of all generated part names.AThis is for use by mail based file servers. For full details, seethe /PACKAGE_INDEX qualifier.=If not defined, the default is not to create a package index.3 SHARE_PART_SIZEBThis logical name can be defined with a positive integer value, toEset the maximum part size. The value is specified in blocks. For full&details, see the /PART_SIZE qualifier..If not defined, the default size is 30 blocks.3 SHARE_REAL_NAMEBDefines the real name of the user to include in the e-mail addressDadded at the head of the share file. This gives a string similar to:" Fred Smith ?By default, the e-mail address string is generated in the usualformat, similar to: Fred@vax.chuff.eduEThe real name string can be anything but it is recommended that it be-limited to the real name of the current user.%See also the following logical names:8 SHARE_EMAIL_ADDRESS To override the automatic e-mail- address determination5 SHARE_IDENT To override the automatically" generated identification string 3 SHARE_SHARE?This logical name may be defined with a TRUE or FALSE value, to=set the default value for the share file creation option. For'full details, see the /SHARE qualifier.8If not defined, creation of a share file is the default.3 SHARE_SPACE_ENCODE>This logical name may be defined with a TRUE or FALSE value to?select or not select the space encoding option. If true, spaces@are always encoded; if false, spaces are encoded only at the end of a line.<If not defined, the default is to encode spaces everywhere. 3 SHARE_SPLIT@This logical name may be defined with a numeric value to control?the maximum amount of a file that will be processed as a single3entity. For full details, see the /SPLIT qualifier.>A value of 0 prevents files from being split. A positive value$specifies the entity size in blocks.AIf not defined, the default is that large files will be processedCin chunks having a maximum size based on the user's current workingset extent value (WSEXTENT). 3 SHARE_TEMPADefines the default name of the file to be used as a scratch file=during the packaging operation. For more information, see the(description of the /TEMPORARY qualifier.?If not defined, the standard TPU default work file will be used (SYS$SCRATCH:TPU$WORK.TPU$WORK).3 SHARE_UNPACK_LOG?If defined with the value "TRUE", then logging of the sharefileEunpacking operation is turned on, giving a display of each file as itEis unpacked. If defined with the value "FALSE", no display is issued.?If not defined, verification of the unpacking process is off bydefault.3 SHARE_UNPACK_TEMPBDefines the name of a file to be used as a scratch file during theunpacking operation. EDefaults are taken from the name SYS$SCRATCH:SHARE_UNPACK_TEMP.'pid'9where 'pid' is the current Process Identification number.3 SHARE_UNPACK_VERIFYDIf defined with the value "TRUE", then verification of the sharefileDunpacking operation is turned on. If defined with the value "FALSE",1verification is turned off. It is off by default.CNote that verification here refers t o DCL verfiication of the shareCfile as the commands within it are executed. As such, the user mustChave read access to the file for this logical name to be effective.3 SHARE_VERIFYCIf defined with the value "TRUE" then verification of the VMS_SHARE@procedure is turned on. If defined with "FALSE", verification is!turned off. It is off by default.=Note that verification here refers to DCL verification of theDVMS_SHARE procedure as the commands within it are executed. As such,Cthe  user must have read access to the file for this logical name to be effective.3 SHARE_VERSIONCThis logical name can be defined with a TRUE or FALSE value, to set@the default for the version number preservation option. For full$details, see the /VERSION qualifier.;If not defined, the default is to preserve version numbers. 3 SHARE_WORKAWhen a file to be packaged gets larger than the available virtual@memory, a temporary work file will be used to hold the overflow.>This logical ! name can be defined with the name of a file to beused.<This is useful if the default file cannot be extended beyond<certain limits (perhaps to to quota limits or available disk?space limits). The work file can be redefined to an alternative.disk, where additional space may be available.<The /WORK qualifier can be used to override this value for a$particular execution of the utility.BIf not defined, the default work file is that used by TPU. This is?SYS$SCRATCH:TPU$WORK.TPU$WORK unle"ss overridden by the TPU$WORK logical name. 2 Logging@VMS_SHARE includes several levels of logging message that can beAselected using the LOG qualifier (or the SHARE_LOG logical name).?These should specify an integer value in the range 0-4, where a,higher value indicates more verbose logging.@All logging messages are prefixed by the current time, to give ahelpful indication of progress. /LOG=0 or /NOLOG@ This logging level indicates that no logging messages are to be<# issued. The packaging operation proceeds silently with only error messages being displayed. /LOG=1 or /LOG8 This logging level displays the following log messages:< IDENT : Announcement of the facilty name/version and the date/time.A SELECTED : Shows the name of the file selected for packaging$ for each file found.= PACKFILE : Shows the name of the file as it is processed' for each file selected.@ SPLITFIL$ : Shows the range of records processed when a file@ is too big to be processed in memory as a whole.? NUMPARTS : Shows the number of share file parts created by7 the packaging operation, at completion.> RENAMING : Shows the start of the part renaming operation= CREINDEX : Shows the start of the package index creation /LOG=2< This logging level displays everything shown at level 1 but* also included the following log messages:9 %BEGENC : Shows the size of the file being packaged: before any encoding operation. The size is/ show in both records and bytes.9 ENDENC : Shows the size of the file being packaged8 after it has been encoded. Also shown is8 a percentage changed figure. If -ve, the; file has been compressed by that amount; if7 +ve, the file has been enlarged by that8 amount. A substantial enla&rgement of the9 file is not uncommon due to the packaging9 methods used. See the /COMPRESS qualifier$ for further details. /LOG=39 This logging level displays everything shown at level 2,& including the following log messages:7 WRITPART : Shows each part of the share file as it9 is written out, complete with its size in" records and bytes. /LOG=49 This logging level displays everything shown 'at level 3,& including the following log messages:6 ENCDPROG : Displays a percentage progress report 5 while the file is being encoded. This6 will be issued at approx 3% intervals,% more for small files.2 Operational_Notes@VMS_SHARE is designed to package a series of files into a single=archive, or `share', file in a way that overcomes most of the<problems associated with the corruption of messages sent via?MAIL. In effect, it allo(ws a package of files to be encoded fortransmission via MAIL.@Files are encoded to overcome these limitations, amongst others: o Line length restrictions o Trailing blank modifications o Maximum message size limits o Character set conversions>A checksum mechanism is used to ensure that the received files=have not been corrupted by some unforeseen mechanism. If theyAhave, a checksum failure will be indicated and the recipient must"manually recover from the problem.AVMS_SH )ARE packages all the specified files into one or more parts8having a common filename prefix and a suffix of the form nnn-OF-mmmBwhere nnn is the part number and mmm is the total number of parts.BMultiple parts will be created if the total size of a part exceedsEthe specified maximum size (taken from the logical SHARE_PART_SIZE or from the qualifier /PART_SIZE). @To unpack, all parts must be concatenated in order and the wholeCexecuted as a command procedure. It is preferable to b *e in an emptyBscratch directory when doing this. If the parts have been receivedDvia mail then it is NOT necessary to remove the mail headers betweenEparts before concatenating them. The unpack code will ignore them ifApresent. However, mail headers should be removed from the initialpart. ?The PAKEXTRACT utility provides a convenient tool for extracing8the parts of the package from MAIL and joining the parts<together. See the separate help on this for further details. 2 Qualifiers+?A number of qualifiers may be specified to override the default"settings and specify some options./BACKUP /BACKUP= Specifies that files selected on the basis of date (via the? /BEFORE and/or /SINCE qualifiers) should use the `last backup" date' as the basis of selection.@ If any combination of /BACKUP, /CREATED, EXPIRED and /MODIFIED@ are specified together, then only the last one specified takes effect.1 The default is to use the `last modified date'./BEFOR,E /BEFORE[=date]A Selects only files with access dates before the date specified.> By default, the date does not have to be before any specific date to be selected.: The date specification can be any absolute or delta time@ combination normally acceptable to VMS with ONE exception - itA may not contain any spaces. To enter a combined date and time,@ use a colon to separate the two E.G. 10-AUG-1992:15:00:00.00.< Any missing field is taken to be that of the CURRENT time.-> /BEFORE without a date specification implies midnight on the# current day I.E. is equivalent to! /BEFORE=xx-mmm-yyyy:00:00:00.00? Used in conjunction with the /SINCE qualifier allows files to& be selected within a range of dates. /COMPRESS /[NO]COMPRESS[=n]< Selects additional compression. The value of the integer n/ determines the type of compression attempted.< If n is 0, no additional compression is attempted. This is equivalent to /NOCOMPRESS.> If n is .1, then run-length encoding compression is selected.A Each file packaged is searched for sequences (runs) of the sameA character and each run is encoded into a shorter sequence. This> is equivalent to /COMPRESS without a numeric value attached.> If n is 2, then a modified form of Lempel-Ziv compression is@ selected. Each file packaged is searched for common substrings@ and occurences after the first are encoded where possible to a shorter sequence.8 This option is time consumin/g so the normal default is /NOCOMPRESS@ Use of this qualifier overrides any default set by the logical name SHARE_COMPRESS./CONFIRM /[NO]CONFIRMA Selects user confirmation of files selected for packaging. EachA file selected by parameters and qualifiers is displayed and the; user must enter Y to select it or N not to select it. The? default selection is N. If a file is not selected, then it is not packaged.? Confirmation is only permitted in an INTERACTIVE mod0e. In any= other mode, a warning message is issued and confirmation is turned off.@ Use of this qualifier overrides any default set by the logical name SHARE_CONFIRM./CREATED /CREATED= Specifies that files selected on the basis of date (via the< /BEFORE and/or /SINCE qualifiers) should use the `creation" date' as the basis of selection.@ If any combination of /BACKUP, /CREATED, EXPIRED and /MODIFIED@ are specified together, then only the last one specified takes1 effect.1 The default is to use the `last modified date'./DEBUG /[NO]DEBUG[=n]< Selects debugging. Additional trace messages are output to> assist developers of the utility. It can only be selected ifA the user is suitably privileged. The normal default is /NODEBUG? The /DEBUG qualifier selects a particular level of debugging;? the higher the level, the more extensive and detailed are theA debug messages. A level of 0 is equivalent to /NODEBUG, a level; of 1 is 2equivalent to /DEBUG. The maximum level currently supported is 4.@ Use of this qualifier overrides any default set by the logical name SHARE_DEBUG. /DIRECTORY /[NO]DIRECTORY= Selects the directory preservation option, which determines@ whether directory names of packaged files are preserved in the share file.@ If /NODIRECTORY is selected, the directory name of a file will> not be recorded in the share file. As a consequence, it will? appear in the current direct 3ory when it is unpacked. Files to/ be packaged may exist anywhere in the system.: If /DIRECTORY is selected, the directory name of a file,< relative to the current directory, will be recorded in the= share file, such that the directory tree structure, and the> relative positions of the files within it, will be recreated@ below the user's current directory when unpacked. The files to> be packaged must exist at or below the current directory andA the relative directory name will be 4recorded in the share file.A The default is /DIRECTORY, to preserve the directory structure,8 but this can be overidden by defining the logical name SHARE_DIRECTORY./EXCLUDE /[NO]EXCLUDE[=list]? Specifies that files matching any of the specifications givenA by `list' are to be excluded from the packaging operation. Each> file specification in the list may be any combination of the> directory, name, type and version fields. Missing fields are' assumed to be `*' (meani5ng anything).? An `*' may only be used to represent a complete field. It mayA NOT be used to represent a partial field. E.G. [*] is allowed, but [XYZ*] is not.$ By default, no files are excluded.; Use of this qualifier overrides any default set up by the logical name SHARE_EXCLUDE./EXPIRED /EXPIRED= Specifies that files selected on the basis of date (via the> /BEFORE and/or /SINCE qualifiers) should use the `expiration" date' as the basis of selection.@ 6If any combination of /BACKUP, /CREATED, EXPIRED and /MODIFIED@ are specified together, then only the last one specified takes effect.1 The default is to use the `last modified date'./HELP /HELP< Displays a short summary of usage to the screen. All other' qualifiers and paramters are ignored./LOG /[NO]LOG[=n]@ Selects logging. Informational messages are output to the user< to identify various stages in the packaging operation. The normal default is /NOLOG7@ Use of this qualifier overrides any default set by the logical name SHARE_LOG.< The value of n (default 1) determines the level of logging> produced. In general, the higher the value (max 4), the more> logging information is displayed. See the `Logging' subtopic for more details.* The default /NOLOG is the same as /LOG=0+ /LOG without a value is similar to /LOG=1 /LONGLINES /[NO]LONGLINESA Selects long line support. The underlying TPU package restricts< the 8maximum record length of a file to be packaged. On VAX< systems, TPU on old versions of VMS (pre-5.4) restrict the< length to 960 bytes; newer versions of VMS (post-5.4), and; OpenVMS on Alpha, allow up to 65535 bytes per record. For@ compatibility, the older record length is used (/NOLONGLINES).A If long lines are selected, then the version of VMS required to? pack and unpack must be at least 5.4 (VAX), or any OpenVMS on ALpha.? There is no advantage in selecting this option if 9none of the= files to be packaged have records longer than 960 bytes. In< fact, it will be a disadvantage if the share file is to be& unpacked on an older version of VMS.@ For some types of file, the maximum record size is stored as 0A in the file header; this may lead to some files with long lines? not being detected during packaging. If the long lines option; has NOT been selected then the created share file may not. unpack properly under early versions of VMS.@ Use of thi:s qualifier overrides any default set by the logical name SHARE_LONGLINES. /MODIFIED /MODIFIED= Specifies that files selected on the basis of date (via theA /BEFORE and/or /SINCE qualifiers) should use the `last modified" date' as the basis of selection.@ If any combination of /BACKUP, /CREATED, EXPIRED and /MODIFIED@ are specified together, then only the last one specified takes effect.1 The default is to use the `last modified date'./NAME /[NO]NAME[=i ;dentifier]B Selects a name to be given to the package that is being created.A This will be written into the share file's header. Note that itA does NOT specify the filename of the created share file, merely( an identifying string written into it.? /NONAME suppresses the writing of any name into the sharefileD /NAME causes a default name to be chosen for the package, based onB the name of the created share file, and written into its header.@ /NAME=identifier causes the specif<ied identifier to be used asB the name of the package and written into the header of the share file.C If not specified, then /NAME is the default. This default can be5 overridden by defining the logical name SHARE_NAME./PACKAGE_INDEX /[NO]PACKAGE_INDEX[=suffix]? Selects the automatic creation of an index file, containing a@ list of the filenames of each part written. This is known as a? package index and is useful for mail based file servers which> allow users to r=equest the package file and get sent all the files whose names it contains.? /NOPACKAGE_INDEX (the default) requests that no package index file is to be created.< /PACKAGE_INDEX requests that a package index file is to be5 created with the default suffix type of ".$PACKAGE"@ /PACKAGE_INDEX=suffix requests that a package index file is toA be created using `suffix' as the type. `suffix' must be a validA file type, such as ".LIBRARY", and the initial dot is required.@ Use >of this qualifier overrides any default set by the logical name SHARE_PACKAGE_INDEX. /PART_SIZE /PART_SIZE=nA Selects the size of a share file part, in blocks. The part sizeB must be sufficient to contain the initial control information soA a value of at least 6 blocks is recommended. If the size is too= small, then a fatal error will be issued during the packing operation.& The usual default size is 30 blocks.@ Use of this qualifier overrides any default set by the? logical name SHARE_PART_SIZE./SHARE /[NO]SHARE@ Selects the share file creation option. As files are packaged,< the generated parts of the share file are written to disk.< If /SHARE is selected, the share file parts are written to disk.> if /NOSHARE is selected, the share parts are created but are= discarded rather than being written to disk. This is mainly> useful for testing the effects of various qualifiers without( the risk of creating share file parts.$ @The usual default value is /SHARE.@ Use of this qualifier overrides any default set by the logical name SHARE_SHARE/SINCE /SINCE[=date]@ Selects only files with access dates after the date specified.= By default, the date does not have to be after any specific date to be selected.: The date specification can be any absolute or delta time@ combination normally acceptable to VMS with ONE exception - itA may not contain any spaces. To enter a combined date and time,?A use a colon to separate to two E.G. 10-AUG-1992:15:00:00.00.< Any missing field is taken to be that of the CURRENT time.= /SINCE without a date specification implies midnight on the# current day I.E. is equivalent to /SINCE=xx-mmm-yyyy:00:00:00.00@ Used in conjunction with the /BEFORE qualifier allows files to& be selected within a range of dates. /SPACE_ENCODE /[NO]SPACE_ENCODED Selects the space encoding option, where spaces are either encodedA everywhere that Bthey occur, or are encoded only at the end of a line.D If /NOSPACE_ENCODE is selected, only spaces which occur at the endE of a line will be encoded. This is to prevent mailers which delete/ trailing blanks from removing important data.C If /SPACE_ENCODE is selected, spaces are always encoded, whereverE they occur in the file. This is helpful when there is a chance thatB mailers may alter runs of spaces in some way, either by deletingA trailing blanks or by using tabs to reCplace a series of blanks.$ The usual default is /SPACE_ENCODE@ Use of this qualifier overrides any default set by the logical name SHARE_SPACE_ENCODE/SPLIT /[NO]SPLIT[=nnn]@ Selects the automatic large file splitting option, where files= that are too large to be processed in one go are split into5 multiple smaller chunks and processed individually.? If /NOSPLIT is selected, large files will always be processed5 in memory as a single entity and will not be split. D= If /SPLIT=nnn is selected, large files will be processed in: chunks of nnn blocks at a time. This can help to improve= efficiency by reducing both the paging overhead and the use of the work file.A If /SPLIT is selected without a block size value being given, a= block size will be chosen automatically based on the user's@ WSEXTENT quota. This generally allows the maximum amount to be= processed in memory without increasing the paging overhead.? The usual default is /SPELIT with automatic selection of block size.@ Use of this qualifier overrides any default set by the logical name SHARE_SPLIT. /TEMPORARY /TEMPORARY=filespecA Selects an alternative name for the intermediate temporary file& used during the packaging operation.= Any parts of the file specification not specified are taken from this default string: SYS$SCRATCH:SHARE_TEMP.pid4 where is the current process identification./VERSION /[NO]VERSION F; Selects the Version number preservation option. Each file@ packaged will have its current version number preserved across* the packaging and unpackaging operation.@ If /VERSION is selected, the version numbers are preserved on? each file packaged, and the unpacking process will create the same version of the file.> If /NOVERSION is selected, then version numbers are stripped> from each file packaged; the unpacking process will create a< new version of the file regardlessG of the existence of any$ existing file with the same name. : The default is to preserve the version numbers, but this7 default can be overidden by defining the logical name SHARE_VERSION/WORK /WORK[=filename]> This qualifier specifies a file to be used as a virtual swap> area by VMS_SHARE. When files to be packaged get very large,> there may be insufficient memory to keep the file in memory.B The TPU package, on which VMS_SHARE is built, will automaticallyA swap par Hts of the file out to disk when this happens, using the named file as the swap area.A Note that this qualifier is valid only on versions of VMS where? the TPU program supports the /WORK qualifier. Otherwise, this. qualifier is ignored with a warning message.= /WORK with no file specification uses the default TPU work> file. This can be used to restore the default if it has been- redefined with the SHARE_WORK logical name.3 /WORK=file specifies a specific file to be used.I 2 PAKMAIL>The PAKMAIL utility may be used to send the generated parts of@the sharefile to one or more recipients over the electronic mail;network. Consult the separate help entry for full details. 2 PAKEXTRACT>The PAKEXTRACT utility is designed to assist in the process ofAextracting parts of a package from MAIL, when the parts have been>mailed to a user via the PAKMAIL utility. Consult the separatehelp entry for details. 2 SharefileAThe name of the packed output file. Th is name will be suffixed by6the part number even if there is only 1 part created. 5A prompt is issued if no sharefile name is specified. 2 Version8This describes version 8.4 of VMS_SHARE; dated June 1993ww