X-NEWS: spcvxb rec.arts.drwho: 17736 Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.1B4+SPC1 6/9/92 VAX/VMS V5.5-2; site spcvxb.spc.edu Path: spcvxb!rutgers!ukma!darwin.sura.net!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!rpi! newsserver.pixel.kodak.com!laidbak!tellab5!obdient!amiserv!amiganet!scottg Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho Subject: DOCTOR WHO MOVIE SCRIPT - Part 1 Message-ID: From: scottg@amiganet.chi.il.us (Scott Gittlitz) Date: 21 Nov 92 19:07:50 GMT Organization: Amiga Network Information Systems Lines: 595 D O C T O R W H O -THE MOVIE- Screenplay by Johnny Byrne From an original story by Peter Litten & George Dugdale EXT. LONDON STREETS NIGHT A primative street-lamp casting a lurid glow as it hits the fog, misting a mean street somewhere in the East End of London. A horse-drawn dray rattles past, the DRIVER muffled against the clinging dampness of the night. Very faint sounds of pub music heard over SUPERIMPOSE London, Planet Earth, 1932 A NARROW STREET down which TWO BOBBIES patrol, both alert for trouble in this vice-ridden area of London. NEW ANGLE On an alleyway where Jack covertly watches the entrance to the rough public house from which the music is coming. He's tall, waers a top hat and long black cloak which belong to the earlier Victorian period, and clutches a surgical bag. 45 years ago he preyed on this East End district of London under the name of Jack The Ripper. JACK'S tightly-drawn almost bloodless mask of a face is curiously ageless, with insane, glittering eyes and lips that ooze saliva. JACK SEE'S The pub door burst open and a DRUNKEN MAN and WOMAN stagger out. They lurch off into the night, laughing hilariously. NEW ANGLE A PROSTITUTE emerges out of the mist. She's well wrapped against the night in a long, flowing coat and wears an outrageously flamboyant hat. We don't see her face as she looks around, perhaps searching for trade. She moves on. ANOTHER ANGLE The PROSTITUTE draws near the pub. We still don't see her face as she pauses, listening to the riotous sounds from inside. JACK tenses as he waits to see whether or not she'll go inside. But his luck is in for the PROSTITUTE carries on. He glides out into the night after her. ANOTHER NARROW STREET through which the PROSTITUTE is amking her way. She hears a sound behind, pauses briefly and moves on, JACK flits through the shadows after her. He rounds acorner and freezes to a halt. THE PROSTITUTE stands a little way along, illuminated by the sickly glare of a nearby streetlamp as she touches up her makeup with the help of a bag mirror. She has her back to him. JACK moves noiselessly up to her, a vicious looking scaple flashing in the glare of the streetlight. JACK grabs hold of the PROSTITUTE's shoulders and pulls her around to face him. As sheturns, her elaborate wig and hat come wholly away and WE SEE that the PROSTITUTE is in fact a man in drag - the one man in the Universe Jack least wants to see. JACK (recoiling) The Doctor! THE DOCTOR - a maverick Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, the home of a super intelligent elite who olike to think they have sole monopoly on time travel. He's a fit, striking looking man, keen-eyed, sharp witted, deceptively subtle. THE DOCTOR (smiles) Hello, Weazll. Only you're not Weazll anymore. It's Jack The Ripper. Yes, a real ladykiller! JACK (hissing whisper) How did you find me, Time Lord? THE DOCTOR Killers always return to the scene of the crime. But the fun's over now Jack - time to correct your design error. JACK Others have tried before, Doctor. THE DOCTOR Face it, Jack. A homicidal plasmoid with power to change form and terrorize women - frankly not acceptable. JACK hisses. His elongated barbed tongue shockingly strikes for THE DOCTOR's face. At the same time, he swings, trying to eviscerate THE DOCTOR. THE DOCTOR nimbly steps back and smashes his handbag into JACK's face. Reaching into the bag, he takes out a small torch-like instrument and switches it on. A beam hits JACK who looses a horrible alien scream. His body is wracked with violent internal convultions. He bubbles and rapidly melts away in a cloud of green smoke - the screaming, smoking head the lat to vanish. Silence. THE DOCTOR moves forward to gingerly inspect the smoking slime. THE PLASMOID WEAZLL shockingly erupts from the smoking pile of clothing. A plasmoid Weazll is an alien animal being no larger than a small pumpkin - most of it all teeth and mouth. Its graping jaws shriek at THE DOCTOR with homicidal rage. THE DOCTOR sighs and hits another switch on the torch. The beam changes colour. The shrieking WEAZLL expands like an inflated ballon and explodes. THE DOCTOR Pop goes the Weazll. THE DOCTOR puts away his torch and then hears the sounds of police whistles and running feet. He backs off and runs, but wearing high-heels makes running difficult. HOLDING TWO BOBBIES run into view. They pause, look at JACK's slimed clothing, blow their whistles fiercely and run on. ANOTHER ANGLE THE DOCTOR runs down the alley when a heel breaks. He hobbles on, bobbing up and down from the loss of the heel and arrives at a A SMALL SQUARE THE DOCTOR pauses. His eyes search for his Tardis - the ships the Time Lords of Gallifrey use to travel through time and space. He sees the dim shape of a first issue walk-in police box and smiles. Time ships like the Tardis have a chameleon circuit that allows them to take on any shape a Time Lord considers necessary - in this instance a walk-in police box that blends into the local scene. THE DOCTOR rushes towards it and jerks open the door. THE DOCTOR reacts strongly. This isn't his Tardis, but the genuine article - a real police box. And inside it, speaking into the primitive phone is an all too real Bobbie. BOBBIE lunges at him, but the door is slammed in his face. THE DOCTOR runs and sees his own Tardis on the other side of the square - a phone box identicle to the one behind him. He heads towards it, the TWO BOBBIE's and the BOBBIE from the other box in pursuit. He reaches the Tardis ahead of them and darts in the door to safety. INT. TARDIS - MAIN AREA Inside the Tardis, we're immediately aware of the contrast between the small exterior size and the relatively enormous space inside. THE DOCTOR rushes to the central console. He places his hand on a glass dome. Pulsed lasers light inside the dome scans his hand. As it does A TIME ROTOR rises into view above the control console. He hears the BOBBIES banging at the door outside. He puts his hand on the dome again. The moment he does, we hear the distinctive roaring sound of the Time Rotor powering up. EXT. SMALL SQUARE- LONDON NIGHT The BOBBIES react to the roaring sound of the Time Rotor. As it powers up, the Tardis' Police Box form shimmersm beginning to revert back to it's original futuristic shape - but only a tantalizing glimpse of what that shape could be. INT. THE TARDIS - MAIN AREA The powering up reaches it crucial stage when suddenly a systems unit under the console, sparks and explodes. EXT. SMALL SQUARE NIGHT The BOBBIES see the altering shape of the Tardis distort and revert back to the form a Police Box - the Tardis' chameleon circuit has blown and until it's repaired, it's stuck with the outward shape of the police box. The astonished BOBBIES see the Tardis utterly disappear. SLAM INTO OPENING TITLES AND THEME MUSIC SPFX The Tardis whirling gracefully through space. INT. THE TARDIS - MAIN AREA THE DOCTOR, still made-up and wearing some of the clothes of his prostitute disguise, urgently works on the chameleon circuit. A chime and the dusty holovid - a transparent communications dome - fills with an indistinct three dimensional image of CORA's head. CORA (HOLOVID) Doctor...? THE DOCTOR moves to brush/blow the dust off the holovid's surface. THE DOCTOR Hello, Cora. CORA is a smart and very beautiful Gallifreyian Communications expert. She reacts at the sight of his made up face. CORA Your face! THE DOCTOR Do you like it? CORA It's bizarre! THE DOCTOR Really? My friend Jack found it irresistible. CORA And what's happened to the Tardis? It's stuck in that ridiculous police box shape again. THE DOCTOR Vacuum field tripped. Destabilized the ionic drive projector and caused an irreversable download of the memorised atomic structure. In short... CORA You mean the Chameleon circuit's bust... THE DOCTOR Got it in one. INT. GALLIFREY - ACADEMY - WORKSHOP DAY The workshop is cluttered with weird and wonderful gadgetry, some very old and oranate, some very high tech - most undergoing research, repair or servicing. CORA talks to THE DOCTOR who's on Holovid. CORA Again! Anyway, you've had an urgent message from Planet Demos... THE DOCTOR (HOLOVID) (keenly) Gonjii? CORA Yes. Doesn't he run a brothel or something there? THE DOCTOR (HOLOVID) He should be so lucky! CORA Well, he's found what you're looking for - whatever that means! THE DOCTOR (HOLOVID) Well done, Gonjii! Thanks Cora. I'll be in touch... THE DOCTOR powering up the time rotor. CORA Good luck... Oh, did you have a good time in London? THE DOCTOR (HOLOVID) Ripping. The Tardis vanishes. EXT. DEMOS EVENING A violent electrical storm rages in the sick, blood-red skies of Demos. A sprawling vista of decay streches out as far as the eye can see. It's the remains of a once ancient city reduced to rubble by a past, planet wide catastrophe. SUPERIMPOSE - Raqetz, Planet Demos, 98349.01 Faint light shimmers from tented shanty towns amongst the ruins. Raqetz is now a shattered, lawless wheeler-dealer city. It's people arethe DWELLERS, pathetic survivors of the catastrophe - their world now exploited by opportun- istic aliens on the make. EXT. RAQETZ - ALLEYWAYS DAY A warren of sinister alleyways in the heart of the tumbledown old city. Rain hammers noisily on the overhead, makeshift tenting beneath which destitute DWELLERS sit huddled around glowing braziers. ANOTHER ANGLE On a sideshoot alleywayy. The roaring sound of a time rotor builds and the Tardis appears - still in it's old English police box form. THE DOCTOR comes out and walks off swiftly. He's now in normal costume - long billowing coat and wide-brimmed hat. ANOTHER ALLEYWAY teems with shrouded DWELLERS. Here, under awning, villainous TRADERS sell food and goods off makeshift barrows and trestles. THE DOCTOR forcing his way through the thronging DWELLERS, hears shouts and cries from behind. He pauses and looks back. HE SEE'S four BODYGUARDS armed with clubs, violently clearing a passage. Behind them a vast sedan chair is being carried byy eight, groaning PORTERS. BODYGUARDS (shouting) Make way, make way for Her Sublime Radiance. Mother Cajage! THE SEDAN CHAIR sways erratically from the colossal bulk of it's occupant - MOTHER CAJAGE, a hugely obese alien female. Her mountainous rolls of wobbing flesh are stuffed into acres of jeweled silks. As the sedan moves along she tosses occasional coins into the masses causing frantic DWELLERS to scrabble fiercely amongst themselves. As she rumbles with laughter at their desperate efforts she suddenly sees THE DOCTOR and her good humour instanly vanishes. Her eyes bulge, her body trembles violently and rivers of thick, oily perspiration pour down her body. She dips into a pannier at her side and grabs several handfuls of large stones which she hurls with painful accuracy at the exhasted PORTERS drivng them on to greater effort. THE DOCTOR moves on to pause by a footstall where people eat small, living crunch-worms. The FOODSELLER, like all DWELLERS, is aneamic and sunken-eyed. He's shelling something large and disgusting. THE DOCTOR Place of Profit...? FOODSELLER Third alleyway on the right, friend... A portion of fresh crunch-worms to help you on your way? THE DOCTOR Thanks...but no thanks. (to a feeding customer) Have a nice crunch. The CUSTOMER belches, discharging a cloud of bilious green gas into the THE DOCTOR's face. He recoils and hastily moves on. EXT. THE PLACE OF PROFIT DAY The gaudy, Vegas-like, entrance to Raqetz' premier night-spot - a tacky structure knocked together from the most decorative elements of the ruined city. A line of sedan chairs are parked outside. From inside we hear the babble of voices, including the NYMPHID's who's sexily vocalizing the Demosian cover version of 'Falling In Love Again', all the rage just now in this isolated part of the Galaxy. INT. THE PLACE OF PROFIT DAY The Place Of Profit teems with DWELLERS. Their interest is centred on several high-spending, richly costumed ALIENS who gamble, make deals, drink and enjoy - all with frantic energy. The layout is multi-leveled with bizarre gambling games played on each one. THE NYMPHID lounges, seductively inside and iron cage which travels about on an overhead track. She sings "Falling In Love Again'. Her shouldering 8 octave vocal range shatters glass in the higher registers and causes the walls to judder in the lower. THE NYMPHID is beautiful, a green-skinned Marlene Dietrich, dressed in a flimsy, translucent outfit. Every so often, her cage pauses in front of a GROUP where she lingers, seductively vocalizing. GONJII sits alone on a raised, observation chair. He's sipping a drink, eyes alert and watchful. He's tough, down-at-heel, ex-mercenary soilder. Once he commanded a Gallifreyian Time Battalion. Right now he's the resident bouncer. Round his wrist he wears a circular band studded with tiny daggers. In use this revolves like a mini gatling. Across his back is a scabbared power assisted sabre. His hand absently strokes the head of his small, companion pet, POG, a furry, marsupial creature with huge, disproportionate feet. POG's got a cute, whisker framed face, but it can turn vicious. POG closely watches a long-nosed DROMODYXX - a wealthy alien race notorious for their sly, thieving ways. He follows the route of the DROMODYXX's outragously long proboscis at is sneaks down to vanish under the table. A moment later its reappears on the other side, POG watching as the tip inches towards a pile of gaming chips. POG growls, and jumps down out of sight. THE DROMODYXX'S eyes craftily swivel to check that he's unobserved, then begins to vacuum the gaming chips up into his trunk. Suddenly, he wails. POG under the table, has sunk his wicked fangs into the thieving nose of the DROMODYXX. GONJII jumps down from his chair. He head for the wailing DROMODYXX, but it scoops up it's nose, shakes off POG and scuttles off. GONJII grins, watching POG chase it off the premises. ANOTHER ANGLE THE NYMPHID glides to pause in front of a gorgeously attired drunken KAGUT. These are barrel shaped, oversexed Aliens with long prehensile arms and hands studded with suction pads. The KAGUT, overcome with lust for THE NYMPHID, yells and leaps, trying to get into her cage. On contact, his suction pads stick to the electrified bars. He howls, repeated shocks racking his body. THE NYMPHID sings on obliviously. GONJII strides forward, the clustering DWELLERS making haste to get out of his way. He draws his sabre and swings. The flat side of the blade thumps into the KAGUT's solar plexus. A 'whoosh' as the air is driven from the KAGUT's lungs. He collapses in a heap on the floor to gasps of on lookers. EXT. THE PLACE OF PROFIT EVENING THE DOCTOR approches the entrance when the doors suddenly burst open and he sees GONJII strong-arming the DRUNKEN KAGUT off the premises. The KAGUT's drunken hooting rings out, his prehensile arms suction clinging to both sides of the door. GONJII (roaring) Drunken Kugut bum!! Out and... Heaves furiously trying to dislodge the KAGUT. THE DOCTOR grins watching GONJII plant a foot in the back of the clinging KAGUT and strain until with a 'pop' the KAGUT's suctioned grip suddenly gives. He howls and catapults away to land in a pool of mud. GONJII (CONTD) ...stay out! He turns and goes back inside. INT. THE PLACE OF PROFIT EVENING GOMJII pauses inside the door, his eyes challenging his customers. The door opens behind him. Thinking it's the KAGUT, he whirls about drawing his sabre and freezes. THE DOCTOR is standing smiling at him. THE DOCTOR (smiling) A fine way to welcome an old friend! GONJII The Time Lord! THE DOCTOR Hello, Gonjii. They grip arms warmly. These two are very old friends. GONJII You're late. Almost gave up on you. THE DOCTOR Better late than never. EXT. RAQETZ - ALLEYWAY EVENING GONJII and THE DOCTOR moving swiftly along the alley. THE DOCTOR You saw it? GONJII Doctor, it's a time rotor. Okay? THE DOCTOR Who's got it? GONJII Mother Cajage. THE DOCTOR Yes, I thought she was pleased to see me. They moved on out of sight. EXT. RAQETZ - MOTHER CAJAGE'S AUCTION LOT NIGHT A swelling volume of sound as we PAN over an area filled to overflowing with second-hand space junk of all description. Among it we see discarded Cybermen, trashed Daleks, a truncated K9, and other of the TV Doctor Who metallic characters and artifacts. NEW ANGLE An ancient auction ring similar to a bull-pit theater. Galleries overlooking it teem with DWELLERS. In the pit, a muscular PORTER turns on a plinth displaying a massive space drive unit as a FEQAL AUCTIONEER sings its praises. THE FEQAL has a shrivelled body with two saturnine heads. His four arms describe graceful arcs as he enthuses in alien tongue. Both heads speak at once with a slightly delayed echo, the voices clipped, cultured, a fawning - high-pitched Goebbels whine. The bidding starts. TO BE CONTINUED ...