You've heard about NeoHot, now listen to --- The Most Important Money/Power/Romantic-Love Discovery Since The Industrial Revolution An entire new field of knowledge has been discovered by Dr. Frank R. Wallace, a former Senior Research Chemist for E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Since mid-1976, Dr. Wallace has researched Psychuous Sex to uncover a powerful array of new knowledge called Neo-Tech. That new knowledge allows any person to prosper monetarily, personally, romantically, sexually, and financially anywhere in the world, even during personal or financial hard times, inflation, boom times, recession, depression, war. New-Tech is a new, scientific method for capturing major financial and personal advantages everywhere. Neo-Tech is a new knowledge that has nothing to do with positive thinking, religion, or anything mystical. Once a person is exposed to Neo-Tech, he can quietly profit from anyone -- anywhere, anytime. He can prosper almost anywhere on earth and succeed under almost any economic or political condition. Combined with Psychuous Sex, Neo-Tech applies to all money and power gathering techniques -- to all situations involving the transfer of money, power, or love. No one can spot the Neo-Tech man. The constant invisible advantages obtained by Neo-Tech appear completely natural yet are unbeatable. Neo-Tech puts one in the ultimate catbird seat. Neo-Tech has its roots in the constant financial pressures and incentives to develop the easiest, most profitable methods of gaining advantages. Over the decades, all successful salesmen, businessmen, politicians, writers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, investors, speculators, gamers, and Casanovas have secretly searched for shortcuts that require little skill yet contain the invisible effectiveness of the most advanced techniques. Dr. Wallace identified those shortcuts and honed them into practical formats called Neo-Tech. These never-before-known formats transfer money, power, and prestige from the uninformed to the informed. Those informed can automatically take control of most situations involving money and power. Who is the Neo-Tech Man? He is a man of quiet power -- a man who cannot lose. He can extract money at will. He can control anyone unknowledgeable about Neo-Tech -- man or woman. The Neo-Tech man has the power to render others helpless, even wipe them out, but he wisely chooses to use just enough of his power to give himself unbeatable casino-like advantages in all endeavors for maximum long-range profits. His Neo-Tech maneuvers are so subtle that they can be executed with casual confidence. His hidden techniques let him win consistently and comfortably -- year after year, decade after decade. Eventually, Neo-Tech men and women will quietly rule everywhere. The Neo-Tech man can easily and safely beat any opponent. He can quickly impoverish anyone he chooses. He can immediately and consistently acquire large chunks of money, $2,000, $10,000, or more in a single day, repeatedly. He has the power to make more money in a week than most people make in a full year without knowing about Neo-Tech. He commands profits and respect. He controls business deals and emotional situations to acquire money and power ... and to command love. He can regain lost love. He can subjugate a business or personal adversary. He wins any lover at will. He can predict stock prices -- even gold and silver prices ... He quietly rules all. Within A Week, An Ordinary Person Can Become a Professional Neo-Tech Practitioner. As people gain this knowledge, they will immediately begin using its techniques because they are irresistibly easy, yet completely potent. Within days after gaining this knowledge, a person can safely bankrupt opponents -- or slowly profit from them, week after week. He can benefit from business and investment endeavors -- from dealing with the boss to the biggest oil deal. He can also benefit from any relationship -- from gaining respect of peers to inducing love from a partner or regaining lost love from an ex-partner. He will gain easy money and power in business, investments, the professions, politics, and personal life. Indeed, with Neo-Tech, a person not only captures unbeatable advantages over others, but commands shortcuts to profits, power, and romance. The ordinary person can quickly become a Clark Kent -- a quiet superman -- taking command of all. He can financially and emotionally control whomever he deals with. He becomes the man-on-the-hill, now. He is armed with an unbeatable weapon. All will yield to the new-breed Neo-Tech man, the no-limit man ... All except the Neo-Tech man will die unfulfilled.