.title Breakfast of Terror .fg 20 .c;^&Breakfast of Terror\& .s .c;Bill Bernat .nmpg 1 .page .; .lm 8.p -8.at Narrator: This was no ordinary breakfast. What Bill and Julie didn't know was that they had just begun a ... BREAKFAST OF TERROR !!! .p0 The scene starts out with Bill and Julie sitting at a breakfast table. They simply indulge in idle conversation until the terror begins. Bill: So I guess your father is going to Seattle then. Julie: Yeah. Bill: Is he going to fly? Julie: No, I think he said that he was going to take a plane. (slow) Narrator: It happened on a Sunday, and it was terrible. Just when you thought it was safe to go into the kitchen, it wasn't. Bill: So what's for breakfast, dear? Julie: Corn Flakes. Narrator: Hunter Films presents a heartbreaking story so dramatic it'll make you feel tense and sad. Starring Bill Bernat as Bill... Bill: Damnit Julie ! You know I hate Corn Flakes. Narrator: And Julie Stein as Julie ... Julie: Bill, it's just a breakfast cereal. Narrator: A married couple that couldn't understand what was happening to them, and didn't deserve the horror it brought them. Bill: No, Julie, it's not just a breakfast cereal, and I told you not to buy it. Julie: (Beginning to sense the horror) You should have said something earlier. I could have bought Wheaties. But I didn't know. (pause) I just didn't know. Bill: Damnit, Bitch, your mistakes aren't so bad, but this time you've gone one step too far. (pulls out a gun and stands up) Julie: Please! PLEASE! Just give me another chance. I promise I'll be good. (she stands up here too.) Bill: You've had too many chances already, and the line has to be drawn. .p0 A short bit of chase scene stuff occurs until Bill shoots Julie. .p-8 Narrator: And then, a terror too great to be true. (Dr. enters from the wings and puts his hand on Bill's shoulder) Dr: Bill, Bill. Why so tense? Lights out.