mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Sat Jun 25 22:46:35 EDT 2011

On 6/25/11, Stephen Lindsey <steve.lindsey at hotmail.com> wrote:
> err Mike, other people read this too,
> just saying...
> Steve L

YES!!!  the beauty of the thing
I covered quoite a few bases in one shot, but the shot ultimately
comes down to the guilty, and I figured that this was not only a way
to reach them, but also to turn my anger and pain into art.
I calculated that all memebers have seen angry people before.....
after watching one of the worst movies in my life, Blondie doing "Ring
Of Fire Aside", I am inspired to submit these Alice Cooper lyrics:

I'm hidden in the scream
When the virgin dies
I'm the ache in the belly
When your baby cries
And I'm the burnin' sensation
When the convict fries

I'm pain
I'm your pain
Unspeakable pain
I'm your private pain

And I'm the compound fracture
In the twisted car
And I'm the lines on the face
Of the tramp at the bar
And I'm the reds by the bed
Of the suicide star

You know me- I'm pain
I'm your pain
Your own private pain
Unfathomable pain

And it's a compliment to me
To hear you screamin' through the night
All night

I'm the holes in your arm
When you're feeling the shakes
I'm the lump on your head
When you step on the rake

And I'm the loudest one laughing
At the saddest wake

Yes I'm pain
I'm just pain
Dear old pain
You need your pain

And I'm the loudest one laughing
At the saddest wake

I'm the salt in the sweat
On the cuts of the slaves
I was the wound in the side
While Jesus prayed
I was the filthiest word
At the vandalized grave

Yes, pain
Do you love me pain
I love my pain
I'm your pain

It's a compliment to me
To hear you screamin' through the night
All night

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