Krankschaft/Max Effect April Reminder

mike c insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Sat Apr 2 05:31:41 EDT 2011

By the way J-
and anyone else
I asked you not too long ago of you have or have had the "Max Effect"
45, and I believe I got no reply.
That little single is one of my absolute favorite things if not THE
favorite thing in the greater ICU family catalogue-
I have had several copies, including a test-pressing (OUCH), and I am
set to BLAST my neoghbors who receive this stuff with welcome arms,
today, with it. as soon as the sun comes up and the hour is somewhat
I hightly recommend you grab one from Steve if he's still got any left
after all these years
I think part of it for me, is when they sing "The Wrecker The Wrecker
WOAHO-O-0", my mind puts in "THE RECORD THE RECORD"
ps- I wonder how many other people can blast "test tube conceived" and
be fairly sure the neighbors will have little trouble believing it is
a real thing??

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