If you pirate music, you're downloading communism!

Alex S. Garcia asg at MECREANT.ORG
Fri Mar 27 17:09:06 EDT 2009

> Yup, that's how I think it will go, with ISP's being charged something
> like a Dollar per week per user to put funds into the pot. No doubt
> there will somewhere be someone who never reads a book, listens to a
> track, watches a movie or plays a game online and will whine that they
> shouldn't have to pay, but they'll be ignored. For the rest of us, in
> principle we'll be able to see any movie/track/game/book ever created
> and I do think that will be an amazing thing.

One way to avoid people whining would be to offer two different types of
subscriptions, one with limited access (just email/web surfing for
instance) and another with all the extravaganza ;-)


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