If you pirate music, you're downloading communism!

trev judge48 at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Mar 26 21:08:25 EDT 2009

Ok, I've read the threads

The internet was "free"
Festivals were "free"
The days of freedom are gone
As soon as the people come up with something original and good, and that is 
accessible, the big boys take it over and make their huge disproportionate 
fortunes out of it.
This trend has increased as commercial and government control has increased 
it's grip on the populace.
The gap between the rich and the poor is now greater than any time in 
Big Brother is here...who hasn't read 1984, Brave New World etc.
Listen to the predictive lyrics of the 60's and 70's
The golden age is over.

I have been involved in putting on over 100 emergent bands on in groovy 
Brighton over the past 4 years.
Some are brilliant...much better than the middle of the road trash that the 
corrupt record company's promote.
They will not be given record deals because their originality means that 
there is a commercial risk in signing them.
They burn out in despair, learning that their hopes of playing music 
full-time are impossible.

Ha Ha, lets dance!

Judge Trev

From: "Carl Edlund Anderson" <cea at CARLAZ.COM>
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: If you pirate music, you're downloading communism!

> On 26 Mar 2009, at 15:54, Alex S. Garcia wrote:
>> Interesting thread and good timing, as there is a lot of talk about  a 
>> new
>> law here in France to fight against "illegal downloading" (the Hadopi
>> law).
> Can I have a law that forces the music industry to give me a halfway 
> decent _legal_ downloading option? :)
> Cheers,
> Carl
> --
> Carl Edlund Anderson
> http://www.carlaz.com/

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