(OFF)Re: Remaster everything on the Atomhenge Label

mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Fri Aug 8 05:05:35 EDT 2008

On 8/5/08, Stewartbas at aol.com <Stewartbas at aol.com> wrote:
> Insect, Brucie, Skull and Trev ---all in one
> night.............next........look to the heavens

*Aha!!  I told you guys I'd bring him in..........you see Bill, the more
people laugh at my proclomation of only partial humanity and having a
healthy dose of the "space gene" that was set to awaken, you have become
another disbeliever who will only become further entagled and unable to
break free of my revenge web*
*you'll do much better with psychotropics now that you are in this catagory
than the useless pursuit of skywatching.......*
*we're not letting the inbound celestial whatnots destroy earth so you'll
get real bored, unless they over-medicate you that is....then it could be
interesting.......you'll learn that sanity is a sickness, it'll be OK,
except you need more Hawkwind gear*

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