OFF: Misc. ranting...

Jon Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Mon Oct 18 12:48:10 EDT 2004

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004, Doug Pearson wrote:

> I wouldn't quite say, "new favorite" yet, but I was pretty blown away last
> night by Electrelane, who were opening for the Ex (who were amazing, but I
> already knew to expect that).  Four girls from the UK (Bristol?) playing
> really driving (but still fairly polite) drone/noise rock.  The singer
> switched off between spacey/melodic keyboards (slight minus for the prog-
> stylee "U" configuration, but maybe that will get fans of "sappy prog" to
> check them out ;^) ), guitar, and some seriously freaked-out sax
> (unfortunately only for one song) that recalls Nik's most-waterfowlish
> moments - a sound I love!  They were recently signed to Too Pure, and
> sound like it.  Any UK listmembers familiar with them?  I'm definitely
> inspired to go out and buy at least one of their albums ...

        Not Bristol but Brighton, apparently, as I discovered when I found
that despite being in the town on the right day I'd missed them
there this Friday. I went on to miss Circle, because the mailout I was
working from advertised the wrong start time and when Sherman and I got
there it was (a) half an hour from the end of the (four bands in four
hours!) show and (b) so full they weren't letting anyone else in. So I
have still not seen either of these bands. Electrelane however I shall
probably manage to see given that they apparently play their home town a
lot and that it's almost my second one.

        I did at least manage to see Dead Empire, whom I'd actually gone
down there to see, and who are probably currently my favourite band who
are still at the demo stage. But because of that, I can't point you at
recordings that show this, unless their bass-player's been foolish enough
to leave them up on his website. Aha! He has. Anyone bored could do worse
than have at the MP3s on <>. They've
just finished recording more so it may be worth checking back. Anyway,
that's my plug for the day. I'm assuming no-one needs Litmus plugging by
now? Yours,

ObLP: Bevis Frond - _Superseeder_
                Jonathan Jarrett, Birkbeck College, London
    jjarrett at at
  "As much as the vision of the blind man improves with the rising sun,
       So too does the intelligence of the fool after good advice."
       (Bishop Theodulf of Orleans, late-eight/early-ninth century)

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