HW: Posh, Becks and Matthew Wright

Dave Law dplaw at IC24.NET
Tue Sep 16 17:17:38 EDT 2003

whilst sitting watching the goggle box with yet another documentry on how
David Beckham will settle into life in Madrid, who should pop up giving
their ten peneth's worth on the subject but top hawk fan and sometimes
guest vocalist Matthew Wright

one wonders then what he would make of these recently discovered pictures
that i've just posted to the museum of somebody who at least in these
circles is as famous as Mr Beckham, but up until now their prowess on the
football field has remained a secret.

curious? then click here to find out more
ok, so it was just a shameless plug but Matthew was on this programme,
infact it's still on as i type, it's on ITV1, check it out!

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