OFF:Other bands/metalifestyle

Ben Fagin vulcanfoundry at BLUEYONDER.CO.UK
Wed Jan 22 18:37:43 EST 2003

But can they still be considered Illicit? Now that it's all gone official I
have to watch my back a bit!

RAF pilots have been taking amphetamine since WW1 so the only objection now
must be from Bananarama and their ilk. With the imminent downfall of the
lesbots one could ask, has the World gone mad or is it me?

What about Nik Kershaw? He was quite a senior government official before he'd
had enough and packed it all in. I think The Riddle was about stone circles,
anyone know what was going on there? Pretty good  song but tends to stick in
your head like glue and repeat itself, not very healthy.

On Wednesday 22 Jan 2003 11:25 pm, you wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ben Fagin" <vulcanfoundry at BLUEYONDER.CO.UK>
> Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 9:25 AM
> Subject: Re: OFF:Other bands/metalifestyle
> > I thought they were the same, in the Winter they're African and the
> > Summer European? I think that this process is called Migration. Anyway to
> > guess
> an
> > answer to your most intelligent quest sir, I imagine that Bob will have
> > to wait until Summer when the Swallows return to us from sunnier climes.
> > But
> in
> > the meantime I'll hint at what a Metal lifestyle might be:
> >
> > Heavy Metal: A Substance extracted from Ore and refined and engineered
> into
> > various Machines which are capable of driving people into lunatics who
> wield
> > Axes on stage shouting Woooaaarrrgghhhh and generally get paid loadsa
> munny.
> > Lifestyle: Drinking Beer, Whoring, insulting journalists, Indulging in
> Satanic
> > Sex Magick.  Driving various forms of Transport extremely fast.
> you forgot the illicit drugs - dont forget the illicit drugs

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