OFF: Rats, Cats, and packets of fags.

Ted Jackson tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Thu Aug 8 07:25:00 EDT 2002

On 8 Aug 2002, at 0:44, Nick Medford wrote:

> For many years my folks kept a cat which was a hybrid- his mother was
> an ordinary domestic moggy, but his father was a Scottish feral cat.
> He was affectionate with us, but ferocious with anything else. Aside
> from the usual slaughter of birds and rodents, he would often chase
> and attack dogs,

My aunt's cat once stalked our neighbor's dog, which was fairly
small and somewhat old at the time.  He pounced on the little dog's
back and started ripping with his claws!  The dog ki-yiiied all the
way home...

> One of the oddest hunting cat-related things I've seen is when they
> catch frogs.

I used to have a Siamese, who never caught anything.  He'd let a
mouse run right over his nose--hey, I wasn't paying him to kill
things!  But I had a book about Siamese cats and there was an
anecdote in it about a Siamese owner in Arizona whose cat killed a
rattlesnake in they guy's house!


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