HW: Test-tube & Belfast

Chris Allen beautiful_foot at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Nov 15 06:45:13 EST 2001

I come back after a week and find answers to all my questions and more in my
inbox!  You guys are fantastic, thank you very very much.
Brightened up my day and no mistake.
Mr. Pond - those recordings are really good, the work involved was worth it.
Just out of interest, what were you using to get that guitar tone?  It
reminds me of the lead guitar tone (Huw Lloyd Langton?) on an HW boot I once
owned called Utopia 1984.  It's very sinuous.  It reminds me of something
esle too, but I can't quite place it right now...

On that note - I got in contact with a guy from this list about 3 years ago
about that Utopia 1984 (can't remember his name: he was working at the BBC
then, as was I), but not being a mad collector I had nothing of interest to
swap with him for it.  So I must offer this plea - can anyone get me a copy
(tape, CD-R, vinyl, anything) of this recording?  I'd actually pay cash
money for it!


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