Snivelling New Age Guys...... :) Off on a tangent - ooooopp psy's

M Holmes fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Fri May 4 12:04:33 EDT 2001

Michael W Blackman writes:

> Even tho I am a proud member of the male species I have never
> undertood how a female who shags like a minx frequently is described
> as being slutty etc when the same bloke that looks down on her was the
> 'shagger' and frequently sows his oats allover town any time of the
> day week or month?

Hard to say whether you seriously want an answer here but anyway:

A) Biology dictates that male mammals cannot be sure of paternity,
particularly in humans where the fertile cycle of the female is hidden.
The only reassurance males have of paternity therefore is  indication
that they are the sole sexual partner of the female. Males will
therefore pursue promiscuous females for sexual pleasure but will not
mate with them. That's the madonna/whore dichotomy in a nutshell.
In short the genes of males want to spread and that dictates mating with
lots of females. However when the male puts effort into raising kids,
there's a strong interest in being as sure as possible that they're his
(human cuckoldry rate is between 15 % and 20%). Selection of mates will
be made to minimise the risk of cuckoldry.

B) The genes of females also want to spread as far as possible. Given
the behaviour of males, they therefore need sons who will spread those
genes. They'll therefore tend to select men with some propensity to
stray because that's where those genes will come from. If they tended to
avoid those men and selected instead stone age SNAG's then we'd all be
SNAG's. As a rule they don't and the more stable of the adventurous guys
get the babes.

Not that this is all a result of concious decision. Evolution is too
smart to risk leaving this up to folks who'll pull stunts like inventing
Dating Codes and will sue for sexual harassment if someone's pupils get
too wide. Nope, it's hardwired down at the instinct level where it can't
be gainsaid.

This, and other very interesting and non-PC stuff can be looked up under
"evolutionary psychology".

> Have those people ever thought that the world might be less populated
> with shaggless desperate males if the females were not made to feely
> shitty about something that is perfectly natural and beautiful in its
> full glory?

They generally don't. The world is populated by frustrated males because
women are around three times as selective as men when choosing a sexual
partner (I.E out of a roomful of people men would more or less happily
go home with three times as many of the women as the women would with
the men). The reasons for this are pretty much the above.

Mike "Why be politically correct when you can be right?" Holmes

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