
Nick Medford nick at HERMIT0.DEMON.CO.UK
Wed Apr 25 10:24:27 EDT 2001

On Wed, 25 Apr 2001 15:04:35 +0100, Cerberus
<cerberus at AVON666.FREESERVE.CO.UK> wrote:

>Anyone who thinks that Hawkwind have nothing left should hear the new
track played on the last tour. "Elimental Mind" (world of lies)? is
outstanding, and really give Ron's talents a chance to shine.
>Dont loose faith!
>Gary & Anna

Agreed, it's a fine track, but it's not brand new- it's on "In Your Area",
title is 'Hippy' (though Elemental Mind would have been much a better

They did play something new that sounded pretty good though...

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