OFF: Looking Up Songs

Michael Crook m.j.crook at TALK21.COM
Wed Oct 11 20:32:19 EDT 2000

What about 'This must be just like living in paradise' by Dave Lee Roth ( Ex 'Halen) mid eighties (I think) solo single.

>Thanks to everyone who answered. None of the sites came up with
>anything, so I throw this out into the wild. According to my
>friend (who doesn't have english as a first or second language,
>bear in mind) the title I'm trying to find might be something
>along the lines of "The Loss of Paradise" The only other things
>she's given me to go on are that it sounds sort of Van Halenish
>and the singer (or the band) probably has a name beginning with
"J" or "G".
>Go for it, gang

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