HW:Excess Studio recordings

starfield starfield at SUPANET.COM
Thu Nov 30 15:36:01 EST 2000

...and a five minute studio version of Where Are They Now is also on

Captain Black

----- Original Message -----
From: Doug Pearson <ceres at SIRIUS.COM>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: HW:Excess Studio recordings

> On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 10:04:23 +1100, "Lawrence, Martyn [IBM GSA]"
> <Martyn.Lawrence at TEAM.TELSTRA.COM> wrote:
> >just been rereading the Born to Go book, and when the band were recording
> >tracks for was eventually to become
> >ASAM, Simon King was quoted as saying there are more tracks down than we
> >actually need.  My question is : what if any were the unused tracks ?
> I wonder if he's counting stuff like "Honky Dorky" that's not really a
> different track (in this case, a studio jam on the mid-section of "Reefer
> Madness").  Or possibly songs that started as Brock compositions, but
> turned into the familiar Brock/Calvert tracks after Bob rejoined.
> >From
> >the set lists the March dates only have "Making of Midgard"
> >as the only non album track - but this was on lucky leif.
> The post-'Warrior' / pre-ASAM era now seems to be about the only era of
> Hawkwind completely un-documented in existing live releases (except the
> Watchfield Festival).  I would be really curious to hear some of that
> stuff, especially if there's anything with Paul Rudolph playing guitar
> guitar playing with the Deviants, 'Capt. Lockheed', Pink Fairies & Eno
> A LOT more for me than his bass playing with Hawkwind & Eno) ...
> >I remember in a Hawkfan that Brian Tawn was on the phone to Dave and he
> >playing him lots of Stuff never heard before.
> Could they have been near-demos like "Infinity" & "Life Form" from 'PXR5'?
> Are there other demo tracks from that era that didn't make it onto 'PXR5'
> but pre-dated the demos on the Weird Tapes?
> >So Dave do you remember what the unused songs were ,
> Paul Rudolph would probably also be a good person to ask about this, too,
> since they were using a lot of his compositions ("Back on the Streets",
> "Time For Sale", "Hassan i Sahba") at the time.  Although those would seem
> to date from *after* ASAM ... I expect that all 3 of those songs (and
> "Uncle Sam's On Mars") would have been included on the follow-up to ASAM,
> had the lineup remained the same.
> Does "Where are they Now?" date from this era ... it sounds to me like it
> could ...
> >and are there any Studio Recordings of Uncle Sam/Robot ?
> Or "Time For Sale"?  I would think that if there were, they would have
> used instead of the live versions of 'PXR5', unless they were
> instrumental-only tracks that never had vocals recorded since Calvert left
> the band.
> Probably likely to be more questions than answers about this one ...
>         -Doug
>          ceres at sirius.com

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