OFF: Eeeeek

Mark Lee mark at ESPARTO.UK.COM
Sun Nov 5 10:57:06 EST 2000


This should raise about 3 zillion responses judging by recent
threads - However FWIW, if you REALLY want to try new

1) Stay away from anything addictive !!

2) Find a friend you KNOW has experince with the chemical of
your choice.

3) Be open-minded - most hallucinogens seem to work based
on current state of mind at the start of the experince. ie if your
depressed you'll get more depressed, scared you'll get scareder (sp)

4) Find an environment in which you are totally comfartable
and familiar - Home in the garden, lounge etc.

5) Everybody reacts differently to every substance there is
so start with the smallest dose, NOT the dose your friends
who use normally do !!

6) If you work anywhere where you risk Drug-Testing make sure you
are aware of the period required for the drug to be COMPLETELY
metabolised - Cannabis for example can be detected for 2-3
weeks after use.  Depends on your metabolic rate.

I'll probably get some stick as well now, I am not in any
way advocating the use of any substance - I do what I do
when I want and out of choice, so should all other free
thinking people.

For the record, Psylocibin (Cubensis), Sativa, Marijuana,
Cannabis and three or four times a year Amphetamine Sulphate,
Alchohol, Tobacco and most of the E numbers you get in food !!!
I've tried LSD a few times, snorted some Coke (twice) and the
old Benylin trick, used to be Phenser years ago. Never put a needle
near myself and never will.

maybe one day I'll try some of the other stuff out there, I would
actually like to try Peyote, also saw an interesting prog about
a drug called Ibogain (sp) being tested in the States, looked
kinda fun.

Anyway, 'nuff off-topic stuff for me, it's Sunday and I've got
work to do, then it's off home for cold-turkey :)

Mark (Hasbeen)

----- Original Message -----

Date:    Thu, 2 Nov 2000 20:44:38 -0600
From:    Arin Komins <akomins at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU>
Subject: OFF: drugs

So I've never touched drugs (aside from the standard
caffeine, etc.)

I drink alcohol, but not to excess (being drunk is a nasty
depressive experience for me.)

But I've always wanted to.

But.  I'm deathly afraid of addiction.  I've
got an addictive personality, if there is such a thing
(at least judging by my collector instincts).

Any advice from the list?  good drugs to try, ones to stay
away from?  good environment for a first trip?

(also...does anyone have a good pointer for how long various drugs
stick around in one's system?  I've done drug tests for work
before, and don't want to sabotage potential jobs.....)


-----  End -----

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