HW: Harvey show

Dan Witt lwitt1 at USWEST.NET
Fri Jul 28 13:25:03 EDT 2000

Thought I'd post a bit about the show last night.  Got to the club at
4:30 to wait for Harvey and crew to show up.  At about 4:45pm two guys
walk up in HW tees, well of course I talk to them and it turns out one
of them is marc(k?) spearhawk.  Of course I remember the story about
dave selling his guitar to him back in the 70's, turns out he lives in
minneapolis now, weird.  Harvey and crew arrive shortly after, and we
all start loading in and setting up which takes about 3 hours.  I take
everybody out to eat then. The first restaurant we're asked to leave as
Jim Lascko doesn't have any sleeves on his HW tshirt, we all get a kick
out of that, the next restaurant was probably better anyway.  We get
back and Jim and brothers start running lights for the other bands(who
all did a great job!).  Harvey got on at 12:15am and played until
1:30am, a few of his hw numbers(freefall comes to mind) and a lot of
trancey ambient stuff.  Harvey seemed to really enjoy himself the whole
night.  Harvey had a few cds for sale, alman mulo band "orisha", no red
shift.  Harvey said he is trying to get Red Shift released again through
Voiceprint.  Of course I asked Harvey about reunion gigs, he confirmed
things are quite disorganized there.  At 3:30am I dropped everybody off
and said good-bye, it got to be a long day.

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