HW: Hawkwind at Strange Daze 98 MPEG audio

Paul Mather paul at GROMIT.DLIB.VT.EDU
Thu Nov 4 14:59:27 EST 1999

On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, Paul Mather wrote:

=> This is a bit embarrassing.  I just noticed that someone (I don't know
=> who, just the host) uploaded MPEG audio files of Hawkwind's Strange Daze
=> '98 set to my anonymous FTP site sometime in late September!
=> I think this is a transfer of an audience recording (44100 Hz stereo
=> encoded with a 128 kbit/sec bitrate).  I took a quick skeg on Jim
=> Lascko's site, and verified it is _Strange Daze *'97*_ he's selling, so
=> I don't think this is an official and/or commercial release by anyone.
=> So, unless someone can convince me to the contrary, I'll soon be moving
=> this show from the "upload" area to the download area (somewhere under
=> /pub/boc-l/audio) so others can avail themselves of it if they want.

Okay, hearing no dissent or evidence that this is a legitimate
commercial release, I've moved it into the public download part of my
anonymous FTP site.

It can be downloaded via anonymous FTP from gromit.dlib.vt.edu and is in
directory /pub/boc-l/audio/hawkwind/sd98.  Here is the "readme" file
(.message) in that directory:

Hawkwind At Strange Daze 98
15th August, 1998

File         Title
====         =====
track01.128  Intro
track02.128  Control
track03.128  Wheels
track04.128  Standing At The Edge
track05.128  Assault & Battery
track06.128  Golden Void
track07.128  Spirit Of The Age
track08.128  Starfire Mountain Dreaming
track09.128  Time We Left
track10.128  Space Is Deep
track11.128  Brainstorm

All tracks are MPEG Audio Layer-III (a.k.a. "MP3") files,
encoded at a 128 Kbit/sec bitrate.




NP: John Cephas and Phil Wiggins, _Dog Days of August_

e-mail: paul at gromit.dlib.vt.edu

"I don't live today; maybe tomorrow..."
        --- James Marshall Hendrix

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