OFF: That one obscure album.../faves in general

Brian Halligan bthalligan at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Mar 26 22:50:45 EST 1999

>From: Laj Waldner <erebus7 at DLCWEST.COM>
>     I can't really comment on any independent movies as I haven't seen
>very many, but most of my favorite movies are "hollywood" wide release,
>highly promoted movies. These probably being my favorite 5 Science
>Fiction/Fantasy (to narrow list) movies of all time:
>1. Conan the Barbarian
>2. Dune
>3. 12 Monkeys
>4. Star Wars Trilogy
>5. Star Wars first three chapters (I know I'll love em so there on the

That's what I was trying to say.  Most of us aren't so interested in
obscure movies, we're into obscure music.  While we may not understand
the devoted fans of _Top 40 band "X" here_, movie fanatics might cringe
when they hear you like Conan, or I like Logan's Run.  It just depends
on what kind of media people are rabid about.

BTW, watch "60 Minutes" on Sunday for new footage of The Phantom Menace.
I'm trying to avoid seeing too much of the film before it debuts on the
big screen, but I may yet succumb to my curiosity....


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