OFF: work and love of space...

Andy Gilham Andy.Gilham at BTINTERNET.COM
Fri Jan 22 07:13:47 EST 1999

> > I seem to meet more and more people working in the environmental
> > protection area who are HW/StarTrek/Monster Magnet lovers.
> > I wonder how it is on this list?

HW for me is more like a marriage - the honeymoon period ended a long time
ago, we even had a trial separation.  But even though the BLANGA isn't what
it was, I keep coming back, and I miss them when they're gone.  So it's not
love, exactly, any more...  or maybe it is, I dunno. :)

Stargate SG-1 is my pulp tv of choice these days.

Monster Magnet are fun, but I'll never be a huge fan.

And my car won't run on unleaded petrol :)

- Andy

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