HW: the original "Death Trap"

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Sat Apr 3 11:51:48 EST 1999

On Sat, 3 Apr 1999, Andy Gilham wrote:

> >         Just for the record, I was not in nappies in '78. I mention this
> > only in case people who know how old I am think Andy's got hold of
> > blackmail information... ;-)
> Oh, I guessed you were about 23 - take it as a compliment... :)

        Yes, actually, now I come to think about it, I must have been. But
my memory is a little vague. Oh well, I shall just have to hope there
aren't photoes :-)

> (And maybe Biarritz too, if all works out as it should :)

        Cool! That sounds intriguingly Frenchwomen-linked... Yours,

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