
Stuart A Hamilton xzx28 at DIAL.PIPEX.COM
Wed Nov 11 12:37:37 EST 1998

And thus it went;

1977 - started reading Moorcock because "the covers are cool".
1979 - bought first Motorhead record and went to first MH gig,
after which someone said "did you know that Lemmy used to be in HW?"
1979 - saw HW for the first time
1981 - going to the Monsters of Rock and embarked on a tape trade which resulted in a
C90 of BOC, complete with MM writing credits

The die was cast.

So MM - MH - HW - BOC


Max Wilcox wrote:

>         On the subject of Moorcock and Hawkwind.
>         It was certainly thus, with me...
>         MM ---> Hawkwind ---> BOC
>         With regards to the Brothel in Rossenstrasse stuff. Allan described what is
> already out but I will re-mention what I've mentioned in passing before
> here, as I think it is pertinent.
>         Some time in the first quarter of next year there will be a double CD
> released containing lots of MM stuff.
>         The first CD will contain all of Michael's demos. That is the stuff
> recorded for Gloriana; The Entropy Tango and some other rarities. Also
> perhaps the whole Finally It's the Bellyflops recording. There are some
> better recordings than those that were released on the "Concerts &
> Rehearsals" tape - and some time soon, new mixes will be made.
>         The second CD will contain Michael reading from various books of his.
> Including "The Dancers at the End of Time"; "Byzantium Endures" and probably
> his new book "King of the City". And NO Elric! Maybe.
>         It is still in the planning stages, as Michael is busy writing at present
> (surprise surprise), but the project is moving onwards...
>         While I'm at it, do people think it worthwhile packaging both CDs together,
> or as two separate releases? Also, I asked before whether people would be
> interested and some people voiced interest, and I still have record of the
> people who did. But, I'd like to know what sort of interest there is out
> there for this sort of thing.
> - Max Wilcox

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