HW: Lemmy's departure again and LOTR (a bit OFF-ish, I'll agree)

Kenneth Magnusson bishop.garden at FALKOPING.MAIL.TELIA.COM
Tue Mar 24 11:41:40 EST 1998


 Once upon a time I asked about Lemmy's depature from the Hawks but I was
stupid enough to do a small Rush reference at that occasion so I never got
any answer to my question so here I go again, I understand that some people
state that he left on the 1999 party tour, but, what-the-hell, he's on
Warrior, he must have been sacked during the Warrior tour, or...?

 Taking another risk of being ridiculed, there's rumours on a new Lord Of
The Rings movie, with Bowie as Elrond and Sean Connory as Gandalf, another
rumour was that Disney is doing the movie and wanted Gandalf to be female
(what, what, what ???). Do anyone have more info ?


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Bishop Garden Records
Box 747
521 22 Falkoping
Tel +46 (0)515 823 08
bishop.garden at falkoping.mail.telia.com

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