brian halligan brianh at PULLEYN.COM
Thu Mar 12 12:05:53 EST 1998

John said:

>Well, one can argue that the actual album TITLE is not the greatest,
>I would agree there.  I don't particularly care for the title, but
>tried to draw a connection between the album title and the album cover
>artwork (certainly a number of BOC's albums do have such a tie).  But,
>I think the horror imagery aspect DOES convey menace and attitude.

I think Heaven Forbid is a fine title for the
new album.  It's just as tongue-in-cheek
as anything else BOC has done in their
careers.  The menacing poses, shades,
stun guitar, the BOC symbol itself, etc.
I know I'm guilty of taking my music a
bit too seriously at times, but Heaven
Forbid struck me as just another fun extension
of the BOC brand of rock 'n' roll.  I think with the
title, the band was just kidding around.  "BOC
has a new album out?  Heaven Forbid!"

>But, speaking as somewhat of an "old fart", I acknowlege that I have
>little feel for what sells albums these days (especially since most of
>what's popular these days I can't identify with), so I'm not going to
>try and assume that the cover/single choices are bad - I'm thinking it
>may just be what the culture today will want.  A new look for BOC
>may not help, but at this stage in their careers, I think it can't

I think CMC hires one design firm to do all of their
covers.  Heaven Forbid definately has a "CMC"
look to it.  If people don't like it, they probably
won't like the new Motorhead cover, or the new
Judas Priest cover.  It's their opinion.  To me,
the Heaven Forbid cover has a "Meatloaf-glam-
horror-big staged production-over the top-funny"
charm to it.  Just like the cover of FOUO, SEE,
and even T&M.  I'm not going to print out a poster
of it, but I won't turn the CD case over on my desk
so people can't see it either ;)

>>but I'll be at the record store first thing on March 24th

You know it!

>>Also, I forgot to look, can anyone tell if the always present BOC
>>is on this new cover?

>A few theories on this - some think it may be either in the eye, or the
>lightbulb.  Others think that the face itself has sort of the shape of
>the symbol (think of the nose as the center, the beard on the right
>as the lower "sickle" portion -- I realize this is probably a stretch).

I say the symbol is in the face.  You can
see the hook as a scar under the eye.
The cross part of the symbol may be more
hidden, but it'll be easier to tell with a full-
sized graphic.

obCD> Motorhead: "Snake Bite Love"
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