BOC: Radio (was CA Reviews)

brian halligan brianh at PULLEYN.COM
Thu Jan 29 11:00:10 EST 1998

Manuel said:
>>the first single to be a love ballad to be called
>>" GOSH, GEE", where Buck is featured playing a mandolin.

Then John said:
>Something tells me Eric was busting your collective balls on this one.
>Unless they've added something I don't know about (which is possible),
>there's 10 tracks, and none of them are called that.  You didn't by
>any chance mean "Live for Me"? It's a fairly soft Buck number.

That sounds more like it.  I wonder
why they wouldn't choose "Harvest
Moon" as their 1st single?  Too long
for radio?  "Live for Me" does have a
nice hook though.  Another thing to
look forward to from this is that if they're
picking a single, then maybe their label
is actually going to try to get their stuff
on the air.  I doubt I'll be hearing anything
on my local classic rock station, but
maybe they'll get some airplay _somewhere_.
They play "Ted the Mechanic" from Deep
Purple's latest on the radio here.  Deep
Purple is not BOC however...

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