HW: What's going on???

Andy Gilham Andy.Gilham at BTINTERNET.COM
Fri Aug 21 07:53:33 EDT 1998

> Oh no, I've joined the comics thread!  Lead me to the death generators, I
> confess, I confess!  (I think I'd better confess...)

It might be OK to talk about MM's Multiverse, which just ended :)

Ulitmately it didn't work for me, but Walter Simonson had a damn good go at
drawing the undrawable, and there was quite a lot of fun on the way.

Probably unfair to go into detail until the Australians have had a chance to
read the conclusion, though!

- Andy

mailto:Andy.Gilham at btinternet.com; http://www.btinternet.com/~andy.gilham

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