HW: low points and giving up (long)

Olivier Boigey Olivier_Boigey at TECHNOLINK.ORG
Fri Apr 17 11:34:53 EDT 1998

 on 17/04/98, John:

))I think that the band have been in freefall since Electric Tepee. I
))still rate this album, and can remember thinking that it was better
))than it had any real right to be at the time (given the
))disappointment of Space Bandits). Even so, the danger signs were
))there with the rehashed lyrics/songs starting to appear (Mask Of
))Morning = Mirror Of Illusion, Secret Agent = On The Case).

etc I

I agree with you at more than 100 % ! ! !
Just one thing: HW seems much better this time, on stage than in studio


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