Hawkwind Tour in Trouble (past or future)

Ted Jackson jr. 6L6 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Mon Sep 15 11:35:32 EDT 1997

> From:          Doug Bates <Doug.Bates at TUCCSTER.TUCC.UAB.EDU>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Star Rats [SMTP:Star_Rats at HAWKWIND.COM]
> >
> > Now hang on right there. Promotion of a gig is the responsibility of
> > the
> > PROMOTER that has been hired BY THE BAND and in GOOD FAITH. If they
> > are not
> > standing up to their part of the bargin, the band will look elsewhere.
> > This
> > is what is happening now.
> >
Agreed.  But isn't there also some responsibility on the club owners'
part?  Doesn't it make good business sense to publicize an exciting
gig in your club in the hope of attracting a big crowd?  Now I'm not
suggesting some club owner go out and buy HW discs and give them out
to radio stations, etc., but couldn't they buy a couple of radio
spots, put an ad in the alternative weekly, print some handbills and
spend an afternoon or two pasting them up?  Jeezuz, ya gotta spend
money to make money sometimes...

One of the few Bright spots for BOC this year was a club gig near
here.  The club put ads out, got a good radio spot--like the one AB
was describing for the DC area--and voila, BOC had a big turnout and
a dynamite gig.  In this case, the club wisely took it into their own
hands rather than relying on the brilliant Mr. Schenck, and things
worked out like they were supposed to...

> >
>         If one "hires" a person or business then they must monitor the
>         situation to ensure the goods or services are satisfactory. If
> not
>         by implication the message conveyed is everything is cool. Good
>         Faith? ha ha
Right again.  These people work for the band.  If they aren't doing
the work they're being paid for, then they don't work for you

> > Stop blaming the management for things which are out of their hands.
> >
>         Often times when a subordinate screws up its the one at the
>         top that also has to take the fall. Surely you agree that things
>         could be improved. Management is where the blame falls.
>         However, a reductionist would also point out that its Dave
>         band and only he hires and fires.
It's a shared responsibility.  The band's first responsibility is to
make good music, show up for gigs on time and be professional.  They
hire management to book the shows, hire transport etc.  Management
needs to make phone calls to ensure the gig's being done right.  And
more importantly, to screen gigs before you sign:  How is this club
going to support the gig?  Will they do advertising?  Will they get
the word out?  Seems like HW didn't get a good up-front deal.  If
they had, the promoters would be best served if the band draws a
huge, hard-drinkin' crowd.  Otherwise, if th band just gets the door,
then the club couldn't care less.  It's in HW's best interest if the
club has something to gain by promoting the hell out of the gig.  tBS
got clobbered up here when the club did nothing to help them out.  I
doubt tBS had much of a budget to promote ahead of time, but the club
could've made a good buck if they hadn't been so conservative...

>         I hear from time to time DS is busy with other things, what
>         could they be. Maybe HW needs a full time manager.
>         This new album should be promoted, pushed and given to anybody
> associated with a newspaper, magazine or radio station for free.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

>         With this new direction the new album may be the break through
>         to a new group of fans. Any what goes hand-in-hand with a new
>         album? A tour. Both should be promoted at the same time. Whats
>         the old saying "you've got to spend money to make money".
> > Star Rats
> >
I've read reviews on BOC-L, and I can't wait for the new ecord, which
sounds harder rocking than past HW.  And I'm not an HW fan.  Look
what even a little positive press can do!


...It's Legal, but it's not 100 percent legal...

--Vincent Vega

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