The Usual Suspects / C-1 Setlist Draft

John A Swartz jswartz at MBUNIX.MITRE.ORG
Tue Jul 22 08:35:03 EDT 1997

>Lets round up the usual suspects.  Rudich lives in Mass and is capable
of such artistry.  However I doubt if he would have resisted the urge to
splash a little HW up there that night.  Ah - ha John Swartz is also a
Mass resident.  Perhaps it was one of those ultra rare occassions where
he had a few Corona's in him after seeing "3OC".  Fess up John. 8>).

Demonic chuckle here.  Well, I DO have a stencil of the BOC symbol . . .
Alas, I can't claim the credit for this one, but if ever I can't sleep
in the middle of the night (fat chance on that - just ask my wife), I
think I might be tempted to do some highway decordating . . .


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