BOC: SLC 1/22/97

Carl E. Anderson cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Fri Jan 24 06:57:48 EST 1997

> When people were
> screaming for them he said that they would get to the big 3 but that they
> wanted to play some things that they don't play as often because they
> want to keep the set list fresh. I'm paraphrasing a bit but it sounds like
> he's been on this list listening to the complaints <shrug>?

        That's at least good to hear.  I don't mind hearing the "big 3"
but I like it when a band mixes it up a bit.  Frankly, I got into live
music through Dead concert tapes in high school and almost went into
shock when I discovered that most bands played the same set every night!
While I don't expect BOC to show that kind of variety, it's nice to
shake it up a bit.

        As an aside, one of the things that frustrated Warren Haynes in
the Allmans was Dickey's refusal to shake up the set list ...


Carl Edlund Anderson                            * "Lever vi inte i ett
cea20 at                             *  fritt land kanske?"    *
Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse & Celtic, Cambridge *  -- Pippi Langstrump

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