BOC-L trivia quiz

brian halligan brianh at PULLEYN.COM
Wed Dec 31 15:45:13 EST 1997

>No, it's not BOC trivia.
>It's not Hawkwind trivia.
>It's BOC-L trivia.
>1.  What exactly does the Mitre Corporation do?
Provide an employee to write the BOC FAQ.

>2.  What is Captain Cloud's secret identity (i.e., real name)
Captain Cloud (i.e. "there is no Dana, only Zool" from Ghostbusters)

>3.  Name a BOC-L'er who is a comic shop owner.
You mean a businessperson with a sense of humor?

> 4.  What does "R.O.D.S." stand for?
Ripping On Doug Smith

>5.  What exactly was on the tape that Theo had been promising for
The new BOC album

>6.  What southwestern U.S. town was unsuccessfully promoted as a site
for a
>        Blue Öyster Cult and/or Hawkwind appearance in early July,

Tombstone, Arizona

>7.  What is the most dangerous animal in Sweden?
Surely not the gentle Scandinavian Moose what tramps
and plays in yon snow-covered hills?

>8.  Who copied the tapes for "Hawkwind Covers All"?
An Italian bootleg company who are going to repackage it
as Paranoid Acid Assassins of Yuri Gagarin Volume XXXI

>9.  What BOC-L person is named after a character from a movie featured
>        on Mystery Science Theater 3000?
There are some who call me Xodax the Destroyer

>10.  Who once praised the "haunting, female backing vocals" in
>        Last Days of May, only to be told by Albert that those
>        vocals were by Joe and Albert?
Not me.  No sir!  I much prefer the female backing vocals
in the ETL version of Dr. Music.

>Anyways, hope this isn't presumptious to use people for this.

>"New Year's Eve was the final barrier"....


It's been a great '97.  I wish everyone the best for '98.
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