Off: Music help

Daniel Wikdahl mpj95wid at MC.HIK.SE
Wed Dec 3 20:25:43 EST 1997

Carl writes:
>     Frankly, I wish there _was_ a huge Jewish plot.  It'd make it a hell
>of a lot easier to get a decent bialy outside of New York ...

Now I've got proof for the non-existance of a jewish plot!
I've never heard of such a thing like a "bialy"!!!
And we've got all our jews left...
I'll try this on the next Skinhead that crosses my way.

                        mvh - Daniel Wikdahl

"Byalagen är rådgivare åt de politiska nämnderna, så är det."
                                        -Joachim Håkansson

Daniel Wikdahl
Kaptensgatan 2a
S-39 236 KALMAR
 +46 480 245 11

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