OFF: Re: Moderator/Stale

Paul Mather paul at GROMIT.CS.VT.EDU
Thu Aug 7 13:34:46 EDT 1997

On Thu, 7 Aug 1997, Daniel Wikdahl wrote:

> Everybody, I command you -"Say No To Filters"! :-)
> "Dare to read BOC-l without safety-net!" :-)
> (I have no filters either!)

I have no filters set, but try and respect those who do so by using
filter keywords in my own posts.  If some BOC fan has decided not to
read anything about HW (or vice versa), who am I to tell them their own
mind and decide what's best for them?

> >the only thing i dint like about the post made by the UNKNOWN UNSUBBER,
> >was that they acted like we had done some kind of evil upon them.
> ...and I don't like reading opinions like theirs when they could started
> some "interesting" BOC threads themselves if they really wanted to!

I think we should remember that the "UNKNOWN UNSUBBER" expressed his or
her opinions in PRIVATE E-MAIL to the moderator: they were never
intended for public distribution.  If you "don't like reading opinions
like theirs," console yourself that you were never meant to.

Apart from the distinctly odd perspective of Hawkwind, I got the
impression that the unsubscriber was trying to provide some positive
feedback (as he or she saw it) to the moderator.  If guilty of anything,
it was of not reading the "instructions" that came with the
subscription, thereby being puzzled why a list called *BOC*-L had so
much Hawkwind and off-topic traffic.

Personally, I think it's the unsubscriber's loss, as it's the "bits
between the bits" that makes BOC-L such a great list (and why this is
the only list I've stayed subscribed to over many years now).  But I can
still appreciate his or her point of view in being surprised by the
nature and culture of this list in view of its name.  Pity for them they
didn't give it more time, and "go with the flow..."



obCD: The Bevis Frond, _New River Head_

e-mail: paul at

"I didn't mean to take up all your sweet time"
        --- James Marshall Hendrix

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