HW: Abducted !

Carl E. Anderson cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Tue Sep 24 08:48:37 EDT 1996

> > (though in truth, we must lay a certain amount of blame on the whole
> > band for travesties like "Beam Me Up" ;)
> Far from being a travesty, that track is a highlight of the album for me.
> Musically and vocally, it's one of the most varied and interesting tracks
> on the album.  I was disappointed that they didn't play it live; I would
> have liked to bounce around to: "I'm... being... beamed... UP!".

        Oh, what I object to on that track is that it doesn't form a
very useful "piece".  It sounds like several seperate song kernels that
they tacked together.  A couple of them, I quite liked and was annoyed
that they didn't get turned into "proper" songs (which seem to be in
short supply more often than not on recent HW releases).
        Hawkwind can sing silly lyrics as long as they like, though
if they were going to make explicit references to sci-fi television
that they should make explicit references to _British_ sci-fi
television!  Where are the Dr. Who samples? :)  That would be much
cooler than Star Trek samples/references :)

        And I'll take this opportunity to restate my oft-repeated
demand that Hawkwind should cover the Dr. Who theme :)
        Or better yet, be hired to do the theme music for a new series
with Paul McGann done properly by the BBC :)


Carl Edlund Anderson                            * "Lever vi inte i ett
cea20 at cus.cam.ac.uk                             *  fritt land kanske?"
http://wjh-www.harvard.edu/~canders/hem.html    *
Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse & Celtic, Cambridge *  -- Pippi Langstrump

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