Calvert - where to go from here?

Craig A. Shipley craigs at PYRAMID.COM
Fri Sep 6 21:44:22 EDT 1996

From:   Stephen Swann[SMTP:swann at MINDVOX.COM]
Sent:   Wednesday, September 04, 1996 2:53 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
Subject:        HW: Calvert - where to go from here?

It appears that I've at long last "discovered" Bob Calvert...

I finally bought "Captain Lockheed and the Starfighters", and it's
been in my CD player constantly for the past 2 weeks.  I particularly
like such lesser known pieces as "Hero With A Wing" (my favorite song
on the album), and "Catch a Falling Starfighter".  I also like his
more thoughtful/introspective versions of the "rock" numbers that
Hawkwind often covers.

So, with that in mind... what to get next?  _Lucky Leif and the
Longships_ seems like the obvious choice - is it comparable
stylistically?  And knowing that this is always a loaded question on
BOC-L... is it as good?  :-)

This is probably my least favorite of all of the Calvert material. I only have
this on LP, if that tells you anything...

Also, what kind of material is on Freq (aren't there 2 versions of
this)?  And is _Tales from the Atomhenge_ worth getting?

Freq was released twice, the second release (on Cleopatra) has two additional
tracks. They are titles from the HYPE release, but are different (remixed?) versions of the tracks. I think the transfer is a little cleaner, too. 

I'm gonna buck the trend and put my vote in for HYPE, FREQ or TTC as the next choice to explore. HYPE has got some great tracks on it and a number of HW alumni (House, Turner come right to mind) guest on it. Tracks are a little poppish/punky, but are quite nice. FREQ is probably the darkest of all the Calvert material, tons of synths, dark subject choice (funny political snippits
between tracks). TTC continues in the darker mood, not quite as synth-heavy,
with some excellent tracks (Fanfare, Fly On The Wall, On-Line, title track).
I have BFTC and find that it is for the Calvert completist (kinda like BRING ME
THE HEAD, but not as bad) and shouldn't be the next choice. Haven't heard
any of the other Calvert disks, so no comment...

craigs at
Thanks for any info.

swann at

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