HW: Cover Contribution (Arch Met)

cjohnson cjohnson at SUR1A.HPSC.HISD.HARRIS.COM
Tue Mar 19 13:05:03 EST 1996

       >Chuck, what's the status on the inserts?

       I'm looking at my latest proofs _right now_.  I think I'm gonna
       make one more change tonight, then tomorrow upload the "final"
       versions of the inserts to Paul's FTP site.  <Paul I'll Email you
       when I'm ready, so you can change permissions>

       I've already made the fourth insert (for the 60-min tape).  The
       name I gave it is "Designed to Rob You of Your Mind", from Coded

       Question:  On Tape 3, for music by the Australian Hawklords, the
       last two songs have been listed as both "Neon Skyline/Lost
       Chronicles" and as "Lost C./Neon S.", with the phrase "(fade)"
       after this.  Could somebody clarify for me exactly what to expect
       here?  Is this similar to the Xenon Codex version where N.S. segues
       into L.C. and back again?

       I am currently listing it on the tape as "Neon Skyline, Lost
       Chronicles (fades)".  Please let me know if this is not acceptable.

       Captain Cloud
       cjohnson at sur1a.hpsc.hisd.harris.com

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