FW: Red Dwarf / Huddersfield / Blue Oyster Cult

Richard Lockwood richard.lockwood at TPD.CO.UK
Fri Mar 15 17:10:21 EST 1996


"The time has come, the walrus said, to speak of many things.
Of something something something something, cabbages and kings."

Look, I come from Huddersfield, and I'm proud of it.  I subscribe to a few
mailing lists, (Blue Oyster Cult, Red Dwarf, Huddersfield Town).
The Red Dwarf List is looking for somewhere in the North of England for a
meet.  How about if I post this to all three lists, and we can all get
together over the Easter Weekend at the Rat and Ratchet. (14 Hand pumped real
ales...!)  This really is the best pub in the world - so all you who can't
make it can cry into your Budweiser (Arf Arf Arf!!!)

Obviously the HTFC list is heavily biased towards people in Hudds, but the RD
list seems to have a lot of people at Hudds Poly on it (sorry, sorry,
UNIVERSITY).  If anyone fancies getting utterly wankered over Easter, then
either mail me (richard.lockwood at tpd.co.uk) or mail the list (whichever) to
let them know you'll be there.  I recommend the Saturday (6th April).
The only rules are that we;
a)  Don't mention the internet
b)  Drink 'til you drop
c)  Persuade the bar staff to give us lots of free credits on the Juke Box,
and play lots of George Thorogood and the Destroyers. (Does anyone know of a
mailing list for this band??)
d)  erm, that's it.

If anyone on the three lists I'm sending this to is up for a piss-up
(Particularly BOC-L!!), then email me direct, or phone me on:
+44 (0)181 740 1740 - 9:30 GMT to 5:30 GMT  -  Weekends can piss right off.



**      Halfway up the Wrekin with an empty flask of tea       **
**         A fog descends and takes away my visibiliy          **
** Yet in this Helen Keller state I'd still quite like to know **
**       Why is Rod Hull alive, and getting paid as well?      **

P.S. Obviosly, this invitation isn't open to Americans.  Because they
smell!!!! :-)

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