HW: Brixton

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Sat Jun 22 09:45:36 EDT 1996

In message <E0uXSKg-0005g0-00 at taurus.cus.cam.ac.uk>, "Carl E. Anderson"
<cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK> writes
>        Oh, I think they got better crowd response than the Ozrics still!

I should hope so too! I've been seeing the Ozrics on and off for 15
years. Christ, my (long since defunct) band gigged with them dozens of
times and , great blokes etc., they aren't 5% of the band the Hawks are,
never will be. I don't think I'm upsetting too many people on this list,
but I cannot believe how many people are into this outfit and have never
heard of Gong / Hillage etc.  I mean "Eternal Wheel" you just mentioned,
that's from a Gong lyric for a start.

I doubt if there were many US Ozrics fans who flew in for the show last

>Lots of hammering and shouting for the encore, and I think people were
>just going into shock by the time the Ozrics were done.  Hawkwind
>played longer than Ozrics too (I think they stole some of OTs stage
>time ;) :)  HW were scheduled for 90 minutes and as best I can estimate
>played around 110 or so.  More than 90, anyway ;)

It seemed like 10. ;(


Jon Browne

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