HW: Palace Springs debate

Rudich, Robert A Rudich at VOLPE2.DOT.GOV
Tue Jun 18 09:35:00 EDT 1996

Carl E. Anderson wrote:
>       _Palace Springs_ gets my vote as best post
> Huw HW album,

Christian countered with:

>Palace Springs to me is just a decent re-tread of past glories.

Palace Springs, while quite good, has always struck me as too cerebral and
lacking the visceral tugs of good HW.   Somehow after I listen to it I'm
more somber.   I prefer the Calif. Brainstorm CD from the same tour (even
without the extra song of the import version).   It lacks the post gig
doctoring and smooth sound, but it livelys up myself (to steal from Bob
Marley) so much more.  Part of that old spark was some lead instrument,
often Huw.   Business Trip is more stirring than PS and I suspect, Lords of
Light.   I like my mind to travel on spacey music, but I don't want
anesthesia with my ambience.   Something like the heavy beat of The Day A
Wall Came Down is needed in a gig or live album to spark things up.   The
songs on PS are great individually, but combined they are a depressant.


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