HW: The Quest for Levitation

Chris Bates C.D.Bates at SHEFFIELD.AC.UK
Tue Jun 18 04:15:47 EDT 1996

Andy trivia wrote:

> Alex a demande:
> >One question : why is there a song called "Needle gun" ? I don't recall
> >reading about a needle gun (or any kind of gun, for that matter) anywhere in
> >Elric's Cycle... is my memory failing me ? :-(
> This what I wrote in the "trivia" file:
> (see "http://www.pcmicro.com.au/~Sonique/Hawkwind/")
> ---
> Needle Gun - actually refers to Jerry Cornelius, an alternate, contemporary
> version of Elric.  *The Final Programme*, the first Cornelius story, is a
> re-writing of *The Dreaming City* in modern dress, in which Jerry's needle
> gun fills a similar role to Elric's sword Stormbringer.
> ---

This is half remembered from over a decade ago so don't laugh if I'm
wrong... After the CotBS gig in Sheffield we hung around and had a word
with Brock. Someone asked him about Needle Gun - was it a weapon that
Elric used? Brock said that the song was about drugs.

Make of this what you will, I make no claims for accuracy. Can you
back me up on this Big Mike W? (You were there weren't you?).


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