
Hardman DK D.K.Hardman at CITY.AC.UK
Wed Jul 31 12:21:47 EDT 1996

On Wed, 31 Jul 1996, Christian Mumford wrote:
> Weird weird... A friend of mine tried to convince me some years ago that
> by drilling a hole in the back of your skull, thus relieving pressure on
> your brain, would create some sort of ultimate high! According to him it
> was popular in the sixties - I have no clue whether he actually believed
> this himself (he's kinda crazy) - or was trying to pull my leg. But I
> could not bring myself to believe this.

A friend of mine once collapsed and hit his head very hard.  In hospital
the doctors were concerned about the inflamation of his brain inside his
skull, so they drilled a hole in his head to drain off some of the
cerebrospinal fluid to make more room. Later, a nurse came to check
whether this was working.  To do this they have to examine the back of
your eyeballs, because if the brain is still inflamed it will press
against the back of the eyeballs (or something along those lines) -- so
you can tell by looking at the blood vessels in the eyeballs. However, to
do this the patient has to be sitting upright. My friend was very weak and
unable to sit himself up, so the nurse had to lean over and manhandle him
upwards, during which time his face was pressed into her breasts.  Later,
she came back to check again, and once again she had to lift him and his
face was pressed into her breasts. Anyways, the nurse returned several
times to do the check, and each time his face was pressed into her
breasts.  Finally, when he was recovered and ready to be discharged from
hospital, a bunch of nurses were gathered around the bed and were
whispering to each other and giggling. When my friend enquired as to what
was so funny, it turned out that each time he had been lifted up in bed
it had been a different nurse....   :)


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