HW: Fiction becomes Fact

Rudich, Robert A Rudich at VOLPE2.DOT.GOV
Wed Jan 31 15:13:00 EST 1996

I was reading a very interesting book on cosmology this past weekend that
really struck a chord.   Naturally, it discussed black holes and naked
singularities (a black hole without the event horizon to prevent interface).
 A naked singularity is a place where physical laws no longer apply and
there could be energy and matter exchange with the known universe.   As
"proof" of the feasibility and existence of such a structure, the author
pointed out that a naked singularity may be responsible for starting our
universe.  The rationale is that no known application of physical laws could
account for formation, so the start had to occur where current laws don't

How in the world does this apply to HW and why am I posting this drivel?
  Have any of you considered what it would be like if you could get sucked
into a black hole or naked singularity and live to experience it?   As you
may know, the acceleration provided by gravity there is at the speed of
light.   Relativistic time dilation takes place and time would stop at light
speed.   Thus, as you speed up, your experience would be that of slowing
down and eventually stopping as you hit full speed, never to hit the black
core.  Yet, to an outside observer, you would wink out in an instant blast
of energy.  Which is reality?   Talk about Warriors on the Edge of Time
where even death dies.  Time could be considered a measure of the progress
of entropy and as time stopped, so would entropy.

What is so great is that HW described these things well before the state of
science could explain that they could be real.   I'll go back to
contemplating the lint in my navel now.    Who has that kool aid?


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