Imaginos :Black & Silver

bart bart at AEOLIANS.BT.CO.UK
Fri Feb 23 06:04:38 EST 1996

> >perhaps Eric is content with his lot, but I
> kinda hoped for more from Buck & Allen
> Why?  Because Buck/Allen may have more musical talent than Eric?  Don't
> confuse musical talent with intelligence/decency/integrity/personality/etc.

No, I'm not. But I stand by my original comment. It appears Buck & Allen had
more of a creative and inspirational drive than Eric. Which is why the thought
of them squandering away any artistic pursuit whilst retreading the same old
songs seems all the more tragic. Moreso if the inspiration has evaporated

> asinine questions and maybe just bluntly ask them quite what the fuck they
> think their masterplan is these days.
> Good idea, but probably futile.  Have you every been part of those "chats"?
> If not, check out ROBODUDE's web site and look at a few logs.  It should
> become quickly apparent that:

I know. I skimmed quickly through the last log, hence my comments about
stupid questions etc.

> 3.  Finally, if you look at old logs at what the band says that they're
> gonna do, then see the results, I think it may be obvious that they have
> no masterplan, and nothing seems to get done when they say it will be. ...
> played live.  I think that they're just plodding along, perhaps trying
> to get a new disc out, but without any real masterplan.

Yes, actually I was being a tad sarcastic about the 'masterplan'. Its clear
there isn't one. If that's the case then maybe they should just pack it in
completely. I'm just saying this apparent whoring of the band to the
nostalgia circuit should be unpalatable to any member of the band who still
considers they have artistic worth.


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