BOC: Mirrors - Can You Dance to It?

BREVARD Adrian R. (MSMail) ABrevard at SHL.COM
Tue Dec 10 11:44:00 EST 1996

Alex>-I'm sorry to differ, but songs like "Moon crazy", "Lonely
teardrops" or the
title track sound very disco-esque to me. What about those handclaps,
especially on "You're not the one (I was looking for)" ? Too much
too, IMO.-

OK I see your point but I surmise that none of this stuff is danceable
when compared to... I dunno...Queen+s Hot Space album  (we did a lot of
dancing to this one).  Differences of opinion really but disco has one
sound, funk another, and if BOC ever showed any dancing inclinations it
is definitely on the funky side.  Also if you think about it most of
that funky rythm came courtesy of Mr. A. Bouchard.  tBS+ "Soul Jive" is
a good example of that groovy funky sound that Al has going.

As for AOF vs. Specters I think both albums are quite good, cut from the
same vein but I actually prefer Specters a bit more than AOF.  Simple
reason GAoL.

lil+ ab

"And the sounds of truth
ring hollow
in this pretense world of show
and the footlights
burn their pathways
as the profits come and go
and the seeming some - day singer
lives the Carney Barker+s dream
saying all by saying nothing in
the language of a scream"

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